liqd / adhocracy-plus

adhocracy+ is a SaaS platform to make digital democracy easy for everyone
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#7637 [a+] big django & wagtail update: Close Button in Comment deletion window is misplaced #2586

Closed sblindow closed 2 months ago

sblindow commented 2 months ago

URL: Try to delete any comment, that you (or anyone else, when you are admin) have created.

user: Any logged-in user, that has made a comment somewhere.

expected behaviour: When I click on "delete" in the dot-menu above my comment on the website, I want to be able to close the subsequently opened window again, when I change my mind about deleting my comment. The X button that closes that window should be placed somewhere that fits with the design of the window.

behaviour: Currently, the Close Button sits right next to the Title "Kommentar löschen" of the window, which looks misplaced.

important screensize: Tested on 3360 x 1890 screen.

device & browser: MacOS, Firefox 124.0.2 (64-Bit)


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