liqd / aula

An online platform for political participation in schools in Germany (not in active development)
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curate batteries-included docker image #1038

Open fisx opened 6 years ago

fisx commented 6 years ago

It would be nice to have a README that lists a few steps to carry out in order to download and start aula in a way that is suitable for production use. This would require work on the README and on the docker image, but we should be able to use the same image for both ci and lightweight production deployment.

Here is what a new user had to do in order to get things partially to work (in German):

git clone --recursive
cd aula
apt-get update && apt-get install libicu-dev --fix-missing
stack install --install-ghc --fast --allow-different-user aula
#Handarbeit: Jetzt sollte aula mit einer Fehlermeldung starten und einen
Inhalt für aula.yaml vorschlagen. Den in die Datei kopieren und die
_listenerInterface-Einträge von auf setzen.
export AULA_ROOT_PATH=/liqd/aula
mkdir -p dist/build
aula-init-state --admin=admin --admin-pwd=bla
aula-server # Warten bis "[INFO] persistence: acid-state (memory)" in
aula.log erscheint.

Das Hauptproblem war, dass wir lange gebraucht haben um rauszufinden,
weshalb Dinge nicht funktionierten. Es gab wenig Rueckmeldung was gerade
warum gemacht wird und wie lange es brauche  wuerde.
TobiGa commented 5 years ago


is this still an issue?

I wanted to give it a try and managed to get docker to run with the code above by adding

Just now i cant login with the user i tried to create with aula-init-state.

I would add this to the but i would want to fix this first. Unfortunately i have no idea how to fix it, could you point me the right direction maybe?

fisx commented 5 years ago

First of all, see

Having that said: cool that you are playing with this, and it can definitely be put to use even with the current project status.

As for your issue with aula-init-state, I would need more details. Can you paste a few more details of what you are doing and what is happening in response? Off the top of my head I think this approach should work fine.

TobiGa commented 5 years ago

I was running aula-init-state, then aula-server and it seemed like the user wasnt saved.

Anyhow, i got it to work like so: I checked out v0.33.1 where the dependencies are correct, and when i got the aula-server running, make content did provide me with a username and password :)

Id also be interested in the current Project Status, for sure i think its a great idea!