liquality / wallet

Cross chain browser wallet extension
MIT License
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Ledger does not work on RSK Testnet #850

Open john-light opened 1 year ago

john-light commented 1 year ago

When I try to connect Ledger wallet with Ledger RSK app to Liquality on RSK Testnet, no accounts are shown:

Screenshot 2022-08-03 171717

john-light commented 1 year ago

I kind of solved this issue: I connected using the Ledger app "RSK Test" and it was able to generate some addresses. This is unusual though, because the Ethereum app for example works on both Ethereum mainnet and the different Ethereum testnets, so I would expect that the RSK app would work on both the RSK mainnet and the RSK testnet as well. Not sure if this is a Liquality issue or a Ledger (app) issue, so will keep this issue open and defer to the Liquality maintainer.