liquibase / liquibase-gradle-plugin

A Gradle plugin for Liquibase
197 stars 57 forks source link

Publish plugin version 2.2.0 #116

Closed Hc747 closed 1 year ago

Hc747 commented 1 year ago

The documentation has been updated to include plugin version 2.2.0 as of March 4th, 2023, however, no release has been created as of yet, effectively meaning Gradle 8.0.+ is still unusable.

Hc747 commented 1 year ago


Hc747 commented 1 year ago

Bump @stevesaliman

fleboulch commented 1 year ago

Following this breaking change should you rather release a 3.0.0 version instead of a 2.2.0?

stevesaliman commented 1 year ago

I was thinking about that...

I decided to go with a 2.2 release instead of 3.0 because for many, it won't have a breaking change. I think there are few that still using versions of gradle older than 6.4, and most people have probably updated to the new plugin id as well. I was thinking that a 3.0. release was more suited for a release that would definitely cause everyone to break. for example if I renamed "activities" in the extension to something else, it would be a guaranteed breaking change.

stevesaliman commented 1 year ago

The documentation has been updated to include plugin version 2.2.0 as of March 4th, 2023, however, no release has been created as of yet, effectively meaning Gradle 8.0.+ is still unusable.

I'm planning on doing a release this weekend. I wanted to give folks a chance to provide any feedback on the current state of the code.

Hc747 commented 1 year ago

@stevesaliman would it be possible to release 2.2.0 and then incorporate feedback into subsequent releases? 2.2.X, etc.

stevesaliman commented 1 year ago

2.2.0 has now been released. Happy gradling!