liquibase / liquibase-gradle-plugin

A Gradle plugin for Liquibase
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Added @Input annotation on top of def properties to support java 17 l… #125

Open Ramanji025 opened 11 months ago

Ramanji025 commented 11 months ago

Added @Input annotation on top of def properties to support java 17 liquibase build

Ramanji025 commented 11 months ago

@stevesaliman Please review and approve the above Pull Request. I have used latest version this plugin, when i am try to build with Java 17. Since java 17 is strictly uses the groovy props should define @Input or @output or @internal annotations. Because these annotation are not defined, the build error throws requiresValue ... etc should be marked with above annotations

Ramanji025 commented 11 months ago

@PaulJulius @PaulJulius @mariochampion @wwillard7800

MalloD12 commented 9 months ago

Hi @Ramanji025,

Could you please share with me the steps where you were seeing the build error when not using @input annotation?

I'm using Java17, and I tried removing the @input annotation added in LiquibaseCommand.groovy, but then I ran:

./gradlew clean build I still can see build executing successfully.

Thanks, Daniel.

stevesaliman commented 9 months ago

I'm a little confused about why @Input would make a difference here, since it is a Gradle annotation, and I wouldn't expect changing the JDK to change Gradle's behavior - especially on a class that is not a Gradle task, though perhaps having LiquibaseCommand as an @Input of a task requires the command's fields to also be annotated...

I'm still trying to reproduce the problem myself, but I'm running into groovy issues. One thing I want to be careful of is breaking backwards compatibility with older versions of Liquibase, Gradle, Java, etc.

MalloD12 commented 8 months ago

Hi @Ramanji025,

Can you please share any additional details with us so we can move forward with this change?

Thanks, Daniel.

MalloD12 commented 8 months ago

Moving this PR to "In Discussion" column. Please, feel free to provide any details that help us to reproduce this issue and validate this fix, because as mentioned above we couldn't reproduce it.

Thanks, Daniel.