liquibase / liquibase-gradle-plugin

A Gradle plugin for Liquibase
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split readme to more files #133

Closed landsman closed 8 months ago

landsman commented 8 months ago

It's huge. Let's make it easier to read. I start with splitting into more files.

The next step can be to extract general info to general files and add Kotlin DSL examples. Also what about to move "News" to GitHub Releases?

stevesaliman commented 8 months ago

Thank you for the PR. I agree the single page README was geetting out of hand.

I think I want to split the files up a little differently though. I want to make sure that important mesasges about breaking changes is right there on the main README page, and I want to keep examples near the parts of the documentation that describe them.

I also want to minimize duplication of text that would happen if we have a separate groovy and kotlin page. Ideally, I'd like to have a tabbed table where users could click on the language of choice, similar to other documentation I've seen, but Github flavored Markdown doesn't support this sort of thing. The best we can do is expandable sctions.

I've created a feature branch with these changes. What do you think?

landsman commented 8 months ago

cool, I would recommend to create draft PR to let everyone know about something going on :)