liquidcarrot / carrot

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Create a map from Neataptic's import / export system to Carrot #199

Open christianechevarria opened 4 years ago

christianechevarria commented 4 years ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. In #152 @tracycollins was experiencing bugs trying to import directly from Neataptic because the import / export system has changed throughout the development of Carrot

Describe the solution you'd like A function that maps the JSON output from Neataptic's export into Carrot's import JSON format

Getting this done would just require a couple steps:

Update: We're currently in the middle of a substantial overhaul of the library to accommodate the full neat algorithm on the full-neat branch and we're not sure what the final to / from JSON system is going to look like once we complete those changes. For now, we're thinking it would be best to write the conversion code once we can pin down the (probably) new import / export system to avoid having two separate maps