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🥕 Evolutionary Neural Networks in JavaScript
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Moved: calling the included NEAT implementation NEAT is misleading #42

Open dan-ryan opened 5 years ago

dan-ryan commented 5 years ago

This suggestion has been moved from Neataptic.

Speciation via some distance measurement is a fundamental aspect of the NEAT algorithm. I suggest clarifying in the docs that the included implementation diverges from the original specification, and perhaps renaming it to something like NEATSS (NEAT Sans Speciation)

Owner's reply:

I completely understand. The way it works is quite different to the original NEAT algorithm. I actually call it the 'Instict' algorithm (more about that can be read there). I'm leaving this open until I have time to modify the docs.

christianechevarria commented 4 years ago

As an update:

Full Neat is going to be prioritized, the elements it introduces contribute to its outstanding performance

From the NEAT abstract (emphasis added):

We claim that the increased efficiency is due to (1) employing a principled method of crossover of different topologies, (2) protecting structural innovation using speciation, and (3) incrementally growing from minimal structure. We test this claim through a series of ablation studies that demonstrate that each component is necessary to the system as a whole and to each other.

If anyone is interested in checking out the paper, here's a link