liquidev / lintplus

An improved linting plugin for the lite text editor.
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Feature Request - Realtime linting without saving #10

Open VarLad opened 3 years ago

VarLad commented 3 years ago

An option for the above

liquidev commented 3 years ago

Some linters aren't really fast enough for this, so I'd make this a per-linter setting.

local config = require "core.config"
local lintplus = require "plugins.lintplus"

config.lint = {}
config.lint.realtime_delay = 100 -- ms
config.lint.realtime_linters = { luacheck = true }

VarLad commented 3 years ago

Wait, does this work if I put it in init.lua?

liquidev commented 3 years ago

@VarLad Not yet, I was just making a little sketch of what the API may look like :stuck_out_tongue: