liquidev / lintplus

An improved linting plugin for the lite text editor.
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[Litexl] Lintplus causing files to fail to open when lacking a linter submodule #5

Closed Wazubaba closed 2 years ago

Wazubaba commented 3 years ago

Hi, currently lintplus seems to be causing files to refuse to open when they do not have an available linter on a recent git clone of litexl. The stracktrace is as follows:

(forgive any typos, I had to transcribe this by hand because I cannot for the life of me find the actual log file or a way to copy the contents of the log pane)

/opt/litexl/data/plugins/lintplus.lua:253: attempt to index local 'linter' (a nil value) at /opt/litexl/data/core/init.lua:799
stack traceback:
/opt/litexl/data/plugins/lintplus.lua:253: in function 'init_linter_for_doc'
/opt/litexl/data/plugins/lintplus.lua:265: in function 'load'
/opt/litexl/data/plugins/autoreload.lua:53: in function 'load'
/opt/litexl/data/core/doc/init.lua:42: in function 'new'
/opt/litexl/data/plugins/detectindent.lua:123: in function 'new'
/opt/litexl/data/core/object.lua:53: in function 'Doc'
/opt/litexl/data/core/init.lua:747: in function 'open_doc'
/opt/litexl/data/plugins/treeview.lua:222: in function </opt/litexl/data/plugins/treeview.lua:220>
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
/opt/litexl/data/core/init.lua:798: in function 'try'
/opt/litexl/data/plugins/treeview.lua:220: in function 'on_mouse_pressed'
/opt/litexl/data/core/rootview.lua:604: in function 'on_mouse_pressed'
/opt/litexl/data/core/init.lua:821: in function 'on_event'
/opt/litexl/data/plugins/macro.lua:19: in function </opt/litexl/data/plugins/macro.lua:18>
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
/opt/litexl/data/core/init.lua:798: in function 'try'
/opt/litexl/data/core/init.lua:878: in function 'step'
/opt/litexl/data/core/init.lua:958 in function </opt/litexl/data/core/init.lua:954>
(...tail calls...)
[string 'local core..."]:9: in function <[string "local core...']:2>
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
[string "local core..."]:2: in main chunk
Therosin commented 2 years ago

I simply added a check for if a linter was found around line 251, quick fix but it does the job. image

liquidev commented 2 years ago

@Wazubaba @Therosin The thing is, this exact error is already guarded against in the source code.

The fix seems to have been introduced before the issue was open, so it's possible you forgot to update lint+ when moving it around, or something.

You may be running an outdated version of the plugin. Try git pulling from origin to see if that helps.