liquidev / lintplus

An improved linting plugin for the lite text editor.
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Lint+ doesn't work on Windows #8

Closed azb92 closed 2 years ago

azb92 commented 3 years ago

Hello! Today I decided instead of Linter plugin to start using Lint+. But I'm experiencing some problems with it. When I try to lint something then I got this error: lintplus_error

liquidev commented 3 years ago

That's my bad, I was porting some string escaping code over from Nim to Lua and forgot that Lua has table.insert(t, x) instead of t.add(x) :sweat_smile:

I pushed a fix for this, please let me know if it works.

azb92 commented 3 years ago

Now no errors from the plugin side. But command Lint+:Check only opens cmd.exe for some time without any commands there. Nothing happens. Maybe some problem from my side here

liquidev commented 3 years ago

That's a problem with Lua on Windows that I cannot fix directly. However, I created a library specifically to mitigate that, called liteipc - it's included in this repository's root. It brings some benefits to lint+, such as a proper non-blocking (async) mode. Follow the instructions in the readme if you want to try it out. I haven't tried using it on Windows though, so I guarantee no success.

I'll be able to fix this problem for good as soon as Lite XL's dev branch with a better process handling library gets merged into the master branch. Right now this is the best I could do.

liquidev commented 3 years ago

Also, the readme mentions a build-liteipc.bat file, which currently isn't implemented. You can follow the commands in, they should be pretty similar on Windows except ln -s which is Linux-specific. Instead of that you can simply copy ./liteipc/target/release/liteipc.dll to ./liteipc_native.dll.

liquidev commented 3 years ago

@azb92 I just published release 0.1.1, maybe you can check if that works? It features a fix for synchronous mode, that might fix your issue.

jgmdev commented 2 years ago

Closing this as it may no longer be applicable do to the switch to lite-xl process api.