liquidev / rapid

A game engine optimized for making cool games fast.
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Cannot start basic example: nimterop/git #24

Closed shiMusa closed 2 years ago

shiMusa commented 4 years ago

When compiling basic example, I get C:\Users\...\.nimble\pkgs\rapid-0.1.0\rapid\lib\glfw.nim(15, 16) Error: cannot open file: nimterop/git

lscrd commented 3 years ago

I installed "rapid" and all its dependencies with "nimble" and I confirm that even the simplest example fails with this message. May be this is due to some incompatibility with latest version of "nimterop"?

liquidev commented 3 years ago

Possibly; I don't use rapid 2019 myself anymore. Prefer the latest commit, although it doesn't have some features (no audio support).

To install the latest commit (at the time of writing this), use:

nimble install rapid@#fc257b2

in your .nimble file:

requires "rapid#fc257b2"

I don't deem rapid to be ready for a new release until audio is implemented, so you'll have to use this for the time being. Sorry for the inconvenience.

lscrd commented 3 years ago

Thanks ! I will try the last commit.

trifleneurotic commented 2 years ago

I never got this error when compiling the tests; is this a candidate for closure since it's almost a year old now using different package versions and project commit hash?

My relevant Nimble pkgs (I think):

aglet-0.4.4 glfw-4.0.0 rapid-#3e831cb

liquidev commented 2 years ago

Good point. This was never closed because I was planning to close it once a stable release had been made, which, as you can probably tell, never happened.