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better chart performance #65

Open bluemonk3y opened 4 years ago

bluemonk3y commented 4 years ago

might provide high performance alternative to apex charts.

Good comparison here

leeoniya commented 4 years ago

probably not [1] ;)


logscape commented 4 years ago

Thank you!

On Thu, 7 May 2020, 18:28 Leon Sorokin, wrote:

probably not [1] ;)


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logscape commented 4 years ago

@leeoniya - can you recommend an efficient scatter-plot chart?

logscape commented 4 years ago

Scatter plot:

leeoniya commented 4 years ago

that specific example has x-aligned data. if this is what you want (or can massage your data to be x-aligned), then uPlot does it out of the box. you may just need to null-pad some series as i do in [1] or as seen in [2]. it's unusual to have a true scatter plot with connected points:

[1] [2]

logscape commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the examples! I want to build a scatter plot that acts like a timeseries heatmap showing groups of individual transactions. The y axis represents the duration, the colour is a heatmap of how many transactions occur in that x/y bucket range...This approach shows the distribution of transactions by latency and density using color.

leeoniya commented 4 years ago

something like below?

you can certainly do this in uPlot with a splash of extra code. you'd need to implement a simple custom points renderer. like the draw-hooks, multi-bars and candlestick-ohlc demos do. e.g.


leeoniya commented 4 years ago

might actually be a good demo to add to uPlot, if you'd like to take a stab at it :)

logscape commented 4 years ago


On Thu, 7 May 2020, 20:42 Leon Sorokin, wrote:

something like below?

you can certainly do this in uPlot with a splash of extra code. you'd need to implement a simple custom points renderer. like the draw-hooks, multi-bars and candlestick-ohcl demos do. e.g.

[image: image]

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leeoniya commented 4 years ago

i guess the main difference is that you can't hover the individual points as you can in a true scatter plot. but you can still render out the values in a custom legend or tooltip for display.

logscape commented 4 years ago

Will it support click ability so I can fetch underlying data?

On Thu, 7 May 2020, 20:47 Leon Sorokin, wrote:

i guess the main difference is that you can't hover the individual points as you can in a true scatter plot. but you can still render out the values in a custom legend or tooltip for display.

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leeoniya commented 4 years ago

well, the points will be static. however, there's an API to get the data index from cursor position, so if you add a click handler you can do whatever you need there, e.g.:

bluemonk3y commented 4 years ago

@leeoniya - I'm prototyping from your demos - just started but it feels promising while I get my head around uPlot. 2 questions....

  1. My RHS Axis is being chopped off - losing the trailing 000s. Im plotting values up to 2m. Alternativeliy - I could use a Y value numbering that drops the 0s in favour of 1m 1.5m 2m etc?

  2. How do I handle click events? I need to register a click handler and then figure out what the underlying data point is. Is there a demo for how I can do this?

leeoniya commented 4 years ago

hey @bluemonk3y

  1. there's no axis auto-sizing, so you can either change the formatting or set a larger axis.size. i personally prefer the shorter labels.
  2. if you want to click on points, take a look at, if you want to handle arbitrary clicks on the plot, just bind a click handler to u.root.querySelector(".over") and then read off the properties of u.cursor. idx is the index into the data array(s) of the closest hovered x offset. otherwise you can feed left and top to u.posToVal() to get the values along a given scale, e.g.
bluemonk3y commented 4 years ago

Thanks @leeoniya - sorted. I have a few more visualizations to prototype now.

bluemonk3y commented 4 years ago

Hi @leeoniya - I'm now trying to build the heatmap data model (to produce similar to your image above). Would you pls advise on how you generated the heatmap image above?

I can see a few options to create uniform arrays for rendering and hoping to get your thoughts on which is best ;)

1). a collection of numeric arrays where the first part of the number represents the Y value and the decimal is used to render the heatmap colour.

 timestamp:   [ t, t+1, t+1, t+3 ... ]
   latency-1:   [ <y-value.heat> 100.100, 200.12, 300.35, 400.56...]   
   latency-2:   [ 100.22, 250.22, 300.22, 100.33...]
   latency-3:   [ 100.33, 250.44, 300.55, 100.66...]

in code it end up as:
const data = [
    [100.22, 250.22, 300.22, 100.33 etc,],  
    [100.33, 250.44, 300.55, 100.66 etc],

I would then need to create a uniform series, and zero fill the empty spaces. This approach is a bit ugly and bloats memory while being kinda complicated.

It would be nice (easier!) to support multi dimension arrays. This would allow a variable number of 'y' values - however Im guessing it also breaks the underlying engine.

 timestamp:   [ t, t+1, t+1, t+3 ... ]
   latency-1:   [ [<y-value.heat>, 100.100, 200.12], [500.3, 300.35], [400.56, etc]...]   

2) Another approach might be to cheat by using a map/index. The plugin then performs a lookup on the Y value decimal to get the index for a lookup. It grabs the lookup value and iterates the the Y-List array - rendering cells as it goes.

 timestamp:   [ t, t+1, t+1, t+3 ... ]
   latency-1:   [ <y-value.y-index>, 100.1, 342.2, 123.3, 133.4..]   

Y-List [  1: [123.10, 100.12, 456.12], 2:[100.10], 3:[256.5,1000.5]]

This approach lets me use multiple values for the rendering. BUT - then to support mouse click reverse lookup I can get the 'X' index - and then reverse the 'Y' offset to a value and search for it I guess?

Any thoughts? Im starting to like the index-lookup approach ;)

leeoniya commented 4 years ago

Would you pls advise on how you generated the heatmap image above?

i did a google image search :D

the nested approach should work fine as long as you handle the rendering and don't hand it off to uPlot to stumble over. you'll probably want to have two non-rendered high/low series w/ series.paths = () => null; to establish y scale range at each x, and then another array to pull the y values from.

having the decimal portion be the color is a bit weird, but certainly space-efficient for packing the data. i'd probably keep the colors in a different array until you have perf issues, but that's up to you.

something like this:

let data = [
  [t, t+1, t+1, t+3],
  [low1, low2, low3],  // y lows (for scale ranging)
  [high1, high2, high3],  // y highs (for scale ranging)
  [[100, 200], [300, 400], [400, 500]],  // y values (offsets)
  [[1, 2], [56, 25], [99, 13]],  // y weights (colors)

let opts = {
  series: [
      paths: () => null,
      points: {show: false},
      paths: () => null,
      points: {show: false},
  hooks: {
    draw: [
       u => {
        const ctx = { u };
        // use[0],[3],[4] to draw colored rects
bluemonk3y commented 4 years ago

Nice, yes that makes sense - thank you!

On Thu, 4 Jun 2020, 22:05 Leon Sorokin, wrote:

Would you pls advise on how you generated the heatmap image above?

i did a google image search :D

the nested approach should work fine as long as you handle the rendering and don't hand it off to uPlot to stumble over. you'll probably want to have two non-rendered high/low series w/ series.paths = () => null; to establish y scale range at each x, and then another array to pull the y values from.

having the decimal portion be the color is a bit weird, but certainly space-efficient for packing the data. i'd probably keep the colors in a different array until you have perf issues, but that's up to you.

something like this:

let data = [ [t, t+1, t+1, t+3], [low1, low2, low3], // y lows (for scale ranging) [high1, high2, high3], // y highs (for scale ranging) [[100, 200], [300, 400], [400, 500]], // y values (offsets) [[1, 2], [56, 25], [99, 13]], // y weights (colors)]; let opts = { series: [ {}, { paths: () => null, points: {show: false}, }, { paths: () => null, points: {show: false}, }, ], hooks: { draw: [ u => { const ctx = { u }; // use[0],[3],[4] to draw colored rects } ] }};

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leeoniya commented 4 years ago

you can probably avoid the scale-ranging series too, and find the min/max yourself:

let data = [
  [t, t+1, t+1, t+3],
  [[100, 200], [300, 400], [400, 500]],  // y values (offsets)
  [[1, 2], [56, 25], [99, 13]],  // y weights (colors)

let opts = {
  series: [
  scales: {
    y: {
      auto: false,
      range: u => {
          let [i0, i1] = u.series[0].idxs;
          // ...walk[1] from i0 to i1 & accumulate min/max for current x range
          return [min, max];
  hooks: {
    draw: [
       u => {
        const ctx = { u };
        // use[0],[1],[2] to draw colored rects
bluemonk3y commented 4 years ago

Hi @leeoniya - I made a first pass and have a basic heatmap ladder working (nothing fancy - yet!) - but got stuck on the scale.min/max not being calculated even though I provided a range. I had to manually set min/max however, it also breaks zoom functionality (as expected)...... any thoughts - is it because of the 2d array?

 scales: {
        y: {
          auto: false,
          min: 0,
          max: 100,
          range: [0, 60 * 1000],
bluemonk3y commented 4 years ago

Screen Shot 2020-06-05 at 17 17 03

leeoniya commented 4 years ago

scale.min/max are initial values (yeah i know, it's not terribly intuitive until you realize that they're the active/realtime min/max when reading back from u.scales.y.min/max). if you're providing scale.range, you don't need to set scale.min/max - they will get set with the output of scale.range.

as my example shows, your scale.range needs to be a function which calculates the min/max of the zoomed x range (which is the data between i0 and i1 indices, inclusively). this will allow zooming to work normally because the y scales will re-range to the visible data.

something like this:

uPlot's ranging does more though. it gives 0 special affinity and adds y-padding based on the detected min/max values, etc. uPlot does expose its ranging function that accounts for this which you can use to replicate & tweak the original behavior:

honestly though, you're probably better off just generating the faux/unrendered min/max series and allowing uPlot to do its thing.

bluemonk3y commented 4 years ago

Ok that makes sense - I completely missed the point of it being a function. ;-) Thanks - Ill give it a spin.

leeoniya commented 4 years ago

Ok that makes sense - I completely missed the point of it being a function

if you needed a static range, then you can have scale.range: [min, max] be an array, which internally just becomes () => [min, max] anyways.

actually, you may still want to implement scale.range to always include zero, as i do in the bars plugin:

bluemonk3y commented 4 years ago

I feel like Im missing something. Adding the min/max data doesn't resolve the scale.infinity problem. Here is my commit - see line:177

Screen Shot 2020-06-05 at 18 25 52

leeoniya commented 4 years ago

you're missing the series defs. uplot walks from the series first, then from the data.

  series: [
      paths: () => null,
      points: {show: false},
      paths: () => null,
      points: {show: false},
bluemonk3y commented 4 years ago

Thanks - my bad - trying to prune previous code and presumed the series would have a default behaviour. This makes sense though and I feel like Im now getting the API (and liking it!).

bluemonk3y commented 4 years ago

Hey @leeoniya - what are your thoughts on building a horizontal, stacked, bar chart? A bit like a gant chart? or am I stretching it? I want to show a series of distributed traces layered on top of each other. A single bar will use a colour breakdown to show its individual components. Clicking on a single bar will open another chart which is then exploded where each component is in its own lane. Each component is offset by the start-time and length is duration. Each component is clickable to retrieve more data for another drilldown.

leeoniya commented 4 years ago

A bit like a gant chart? or am I stretching it?

aside from slight visual similarity, gantt and hz bar charts are very different.

gantt represents a timeline, where the length of the bar is along an [axial] temporal axis, which is never the case for bar charts - which instead may have time along the cross-axis. i have some preliminary thoughts on gantt & timeline charts in

what are your thoughts on building a horizontal, stacked, bar chart?

my opinion of stacked charts in general is that they're terrible at everything except saving space: another recent rant of mine:

they have the same misleading & compounded problem of charts that should, but don't start at 0.

i'm open to being convinced otherwise.

A single bar will use a colour breakdown to show its individual components. Clicking on a single bar will open another chart which is then exploded where each component is in its own lane. Each component is offset by the start-time and length is duration. Each component is clickable to retrieve more data for another drilldown.

this does actually sound like a timeline plot, and the "stack" is not a sum but kind of like a group of sub-tasks also along the same time axis? i that case i can see some value - it's one of those few cases where the stack is not a sum-trend.

i think a plugin for this would be most useful in the DOM layer rather than on canvas. this way you can get hover-ability for free by using plain css/js instead of having to hack that it by coordinate probing. perf should not be an issue since the amount of data is probably < 500 total elements. zooming, however, could turn out to be tricky if you dont want to completely destroy and recreate the dom each time.

bluemonk3y commented 4 years ago

Thanks, I agree - generally stacked bars suck - however in this case, due to the time-basis and the component breakdown they make sense.

leeoniya commented 4 years ago

btw, any progress on the time-series heatmap? would be cool to get that added as a demo if you got it working and willing to share :)

bluemonk3y commented 4 years ago

Sure - happy to share although its still a little rough. It supports click events on individual ladder entries, hovering on a ladder entry displays the 'y' value as well as the 'count' - where the count is used to show the number of entries in that cell.

I broke out the data series as you suggested - this helped simplify the code. I added more data entries, but the alignment isnt ideal. It will look better when I capture real data.

Screen Shot 2020-06-08 at 20 32 30

bluemonk3y commented 4 years ago

The demo code is the bar-heatmap.js and html in:

bluemonk3y commented 4 years ago

I will create a PR in uPlot tomorrow then see what you think (Im in London)

leeoniya commented 4 years ago

@bluemonk3y i see most of your code is Apache-licensed. would you be okay releasing any PRs to uPlot under MIT? i really don't want to deal with license compat concerns.

bluemonk3y commented 4 years ago

Yeah, no worries.

On Tue, 9 Jun 2020, 18:06 Leon Sorokin, wrote:

@bluemonk3y i see most of your code is Apache-licensed. would you be okay releasing any PRs to uPlot under MIT? i really don't want to deal with license compat concerns.

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