liquidoxygen96 / tokenSwap

ERC721 marketplace --building block
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ENS compatibility of nftMarketplace Address with ENS #1

Closed liquidoxygen96 closed 2 years ago

liquidoxygen96 commented 2 years ago

Error generated while passing the value =${nftMarketplace} value into the index.js and dashboard.js pages

liquidoxygen96 commented 2 years ago

ok so a few errors arose which resulted in the above error, this is how they were resolved -hope it helps others. The error might have been due to a weird error that deploys and prints a random contract address.

  1. I have decided to deploy on Rinkeby and used Moralis instead of infura.
  2. Downgraded the Solidity extension on Vscode which made the @openzeppelin package to be read by the NFTMarketplace.sol file.
  3. installed and used the dotenv package in the hardhat.config.js file in order to correctly read the .env file
  4. make sure you have the correct url as an argument for the ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider("https://url.`${PROJECT_ID}`"); is the correct syntax