liquidware / antipasto_arduino

A Liquidware Arduino Distribution
29 stars 11 forks source link

Ubuntu 14.04LTS has, but antipasto still looks for #23

Open yuv opened 10 years ago

yuv commented 10 years ago

Affects both the binary download as well as the compiled binaries from source. The error message is the same

 [exec] Sketches saved.
 [exec] compile(), new thread run about to sketch.compile()
 [exec]      [echo] Building TouchShield Slide libraries...
 [exec]     [apply] /home/yuv/src/antipasto_arduino/build/linux/work/hardware/tools/avr/bin/../libexec/gcc/avr/4.3.3/cc1plus: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
 [exec] /home/yuv/src/antipasto_arduino/build/linux/work/hardware/arduino/cores/touchshield/build.xml:121: The following error occurred while executing this line:
 [exec] /home/yuv/src/antipasto_arduino/build/linux/work/hardware/arduino/cores/touchshield/src/components/libraries/build.xml:108: The following error occurred while executing this line:
 [exec] /home/yuv/src/antipasto_arduino/build/linux/work/hardware/arduino/cores/touchshield/config/build.ccmacros.xml:92: apply returned: 1
 [exec] Total time: 0 seconds

On a side note: it seems that this project is unmaintained. Have you considered submitting a patch upstream, or making a standalone library for the Liquidware TouchShield that can be imported in the Arduino IDE?

q2dg commented 9 years ago

Good question. Now Library Manager has come, it should be easy!!