liquidweb / LiquidWeb-WHMCS-Plugin

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Multilanguage plugin #14

Closed dackoni closed 2 years ago

dackoni commented 5 years ago

Hi, I am trying to make this plugin to be multilanguage (client side). (using WHMCS 7.5.1) I made tpl files (start.tpl, shutdown.tpl, restore.tpl, reboot.tpl, ipmanagement.tpl, history.tpl, firewall.tpl, blocksotage.tpl, buckups.tpl) multilanguage using {$LANG.something} tags .Everything works fine. But in tpl files (clientarea.tpl, subviews/bandwidth.tpl, subwievs/clientarea.tpl, subviews/history.tpl, subviews/load.tpl) when I use any smarty, like {$} insted of "Domain"

            <td style="width: 50%">{$}</td>

insted of

            <td style="width: 50%">Domain</td>

I get empty tags.

            <td style="width: 50%"></td>

Also, how to make sidebar link multilanguage without changging php code.

Any help, it is very important to my project. Thank you in advance. Danijel Trifunović