liquidz / antq

Point out your outdated dependencies.
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`No such var: alpha/user-deps-path` when using antq as Leiningen plugin #180

Closed jpalharini closed 1 year ago

jpalharini commented 1 year ago

I'm trying to use antq in a Babashka project, and it always fails when trying to find alpha/user-deps-path, which seems to be part of tools.deps.alpha.

I tried to explicitly depend on it in both bb.edn as well as project.clj to no avail.

liquidz commented 1 year ago

@jpalharini Thanks for your reporting! I couldn't reproduce the problem with following steps.

$ git clone /tmp/bb

$ cd /tmp/bb

$ vim project.clj
# Add antq as a Leiningen plugin

$ git diff
diff --git a/project.clj b/project.clj
index 0437c5e7..ec3c73c9 100644
--- a/project.clj
+++ b/project.clj
@@ -33,7 +33,8 @@
                  [rewrite-clj/rewrite-clj "1.1.45"]
                  [insn/insn "0.5.2"]
                  [org.babashka/cli "0.3.35"]]
-  :plugins       [[org.kipz/lein-meta-bom "0.1.1"]]
+  :plugins       [[org.kipz/lein-meta-bom "0.1.1"]
+                  [com.github.liquidz/antq "RELEASE"]]
   :metabom {:jar-name "metabom.jar"}
   :profiles {:feature/xml  {:source-paths ["feature-xml"]
                             :dependencies [[org.clojure/data.xml "0.2.0-alpha6"]]}

$ lein antq
[##################################################] 18/18

|       :file |                                :name | :current | :latest |
| project.clj | com.github.clj-easy/graal-build-time |    0.1.0 |   0.1.4 |
|             |                            insn/insn |    0.5.2 |   0.5.4 |
|             |                          nrepl/nrepl |    0.8.3 |   0.9.0 |

Available diffs:

Could you tell me the minimum steps to reproduce?

jpalharini commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the quick response!

I think I was too early on reporting this. After we did a lot of cleanup on the project.clj I managed to run antq as expected, and I forgot to close this. Sorry for that!

It was likely some weird dependency conflict.

Congrats on the project, by the way!