liquidz / vim-iced

Clojure Interactive Development Environment for Vim8/Neovim
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Notifications (for stdout results) fold, so I can't see the result. #393

Closed D00mch closed 2 years ago

D00mch commented 2 years ago

I gues I have to put an autocmd for set nofoldenable, but can't figure out what event for autocmd should be. Or may be there is another solution for this.


D00mch commented 2 years ago

Or may be the problem is in that the notification reasult is shown in one line...

liquidz commented 2 years ago

@Liverm0r Thanks for your reporting!

Hmm, I've never seen such a behavior.

Could you tell me a minimal configuration to reproduce your problem? cf.

D00mch commented 2 years ago

The only line I've found on my vimrc that matters (withtout it works fine) is this one

set fdm=syntax

Interesting part. I can reproduce the problem on my linux manjaro pc with this line and I can't reproduce it on my osx m1. Same dotfiles, same plugins. My dotfiles (vimrc_common).

P.S. sorry, missed your link. I will now check a minimal config.

D00mch commented 2 years ago


set nocompatible
set encoding=utf-8
scriptencoding utf-8
filetype plugin indent on
set fdm=syntax

let mapleader=","

let g:iced_enable_default_key_mappings = v:true

set runtimepath-=$HOME/.vim
set runtimepath-=$HOME/.vim/after
set runtimepath-=$HOME/.config/nvim
set runtimepath-=$HOME/.config/nvim/after
set runtimepath-=$HOME/.local/share/nvim/site
set runtimepath-=$HOME/.local/share/nvim/site/after

set packpath=/tmp/vim-iced-test
liquidz commented 2 years ago

@Liverm0r Thanks! I could reproduce the problem with non M1 mac and nvim (couldn't with vim interestingly) I'll try to fix it :)

liquidz commented 2 years ago

@Liverm0r Just released v3.8.4 #394 It should fix this problem ☺️

D00mch commented 2 years ago

Thank you!