liquity / ChickenBond

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Active bonds marketplace #143

Open bingen opened 2 years ago

bingen commented 2 years ago

(From this comment)

We have to make sure that pending bonds can be transferred without a fee, otherwise the sale of NFTs for the economical value doesn’t make sense (the fee value would be higher than the value of the time / opportunity cost of the pending bond). This is not possible on OpenSea and other popular marketplaces. The transfer fee would make more sense for chicken in state, which is expected to have more artistic value.

One option would be to build a minimalistic marketplace ourselves and integrate it in our base frontend with a simple escrow contract, but that would mean a significant amount of work. We can also add this after the main launch.

Some alternatives to explore:

Maybe a Discord channel + Sudoswap OTC (no fees) could work for now, and we can build it later if there’s demand.

Reusing would be more efficient, for us, but it would be nice to be able to set the price as a multiplier of bLUSD, so if the buyer takes some time to exercise it, the price could be increased automatically according to increase in accrued bLUSD amount. But maybe this is not so important, as variations in market price of bLUSD can have a bigger impact than the increase in accrued bLUSD. Anyway, it would be useful to have a deadline for the sell orders.