liquity / ChickenBond

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Liquity data for chicken in NFTs #191

Closed bingen closed 1 year ago

bingen commented 2 years ago

We would like to add some spice to Chicken In NFTs based on usage of Liquity protocol. From @TokenBrice doc:

-- Special Attributes (ciNFT only) Based on the user’s interaction with Liquity, we could allocate additional attributes:

  1. Liquity User — Has a Liquity Trove opened. Potential variation: a) Size of the Trove b) Time since Trove was opened (or block number)
  2. LUSD Staker — Is staking LUSD in Stability Pool (directly or through b.protocol) a) Size of the deposit NOTE: Do we want to include this one considering that users might withdraw from SP to use Chicken Bonds?
  3. LQTY Staker — Is owning/staking LQTY (directly or through Pickle pLQTY) a) Size of the deposit b) Time?
  4. LUSD Gauge Voter — User is voting for the LUSD pool gauge on Curve.

These attributes could manifest as additional piece of clothing / tools for the Chicken obtained.


Some questions arise:

bingen commented 2 years ago

Some more potential data:

  1. NFT Bonds: I think a nice one would be to also reward users that already have several CB NFTs (re-bonders). You could probably even distinguish between bonding, chicken in or chicken out NFTs…
  2. LUSD or LQTY holder: what about users that just have LUSD and LQTY in their wallet? Only 45% of LQTY is staked, no?
  3. bLUSD holders: What about users that hold bLUSD? But not sure if there will be many active bonders that hold (and not sell) their bLUSD

It’s good to propose several options, but we should choose ant try to keep the list short: otherwise it would be more confusing, and we may end up benefiting everybody, which would essentially mean benefiting nobody.

bingen commented 2 years ago

Re: 6: LUSD could add more buy pressure, even if temporary. Besides everyone should have some LUSD to get into Chicken Bonds, and I think the weight by bond amount is enough. About LQTY, sounds good, we should merge it with LQTY staker. We want to reward LQTY holders, but we don’t mind if we stake (that doesn’t add value to the protocol, right?)

bingen commented 2 years ago

About 4: we can do it:


This Liquity multisig vote for LUSD-3CRV gauge.

It can be checked too with LUSD-FRAX one