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Is there any instruction about how to make Fluid Demo works in Windows 10? #305

Open mobilEKG opened 4 years ago

mobilEKG commented 4 years ago

The screenshot at is impressive. But can't find any info about it: where is the .pro file for the demo, how to compile it in Windows? Any hint?

Slesa commented 4 years ago

The Demo itself is under src/demo - but I cannot build it with the CMakefile.txt given here...

plfiorini commented 4 years ago

Fluid build system is CMake, qmake and qbs are only provided for those who want to embed Fluid into their existing project. For a standalone build, use cmake.

Download the code from and follow the instructions in

gnss-tao commented 4 years ago

I tried to build FluidDemo with CMake using MS VS2017 and Vcpkg. It successfully generated the VS project as the following figure shows


FuildDemo project was also successfully built using the VS solution. But when run with it, it showed the following message and just got stuck.


The environment is OS: WIN10, QT: 5.14 installed by vcpkg Compiler: VS 2017

Do you have any idea about this? Thanks a lot.

plfiorini commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the details. It seems there is a problem with the Qt DLLs. I will try to reproduce it as soon as I can get my hands on Windows but before that let's try with an educated guess. There are evidence that you are building a 32 bit application (says FluidDemo.exe win32 and the VS path looks like 32 bit) but the compiler is Host86/x64/cl.exe. Any chance that you are mixing 32 bit and 64 bit?