lisagirard / Psychedelics

Data projects in relation to psychedelics therapeutic research
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Examining Psychedelics Use and Mental Health Conditions: Supervised Learning #1

Open lisagirard opened 1 year ago

lisagirard commented 1 year ago

Thinkful Supervised Learning Capstone Project:
Examining Psychedelics Use and Mental Health Conditions
Google Slides presentation:
An examination in publically-available raw data regarding psychedelics use in US citizens, 2020
Objective: predicting psychedelics use based on certain mental health conditions and/or recent prior knowledge of psychedelic therapeutic use

Google Colab Python notebook code


Data Analysis:
DATA SOURCE: Psychedelic Mushrooms in the USA: Knowledge, Patterns of Use, and Association With Health Outcomes
Downloadable raw data set

My analysis included:

December 19, 2022

CheekeyMonkey commented 1 year ago

This seems very useful to practitioners, however, do you have any summary take aways for clinicians who are not too familiar with data science?

lisagirard commented 1 year ago

HI - Thanks for taking a look. Did you perhaps mean "clinicians who are not too familiar" ?

CheekeyMonkey commented 1 year ago

Updated thanks!

lisagirard commented 1 year ago


To respond to "clinicians who are not familiar with data science"...

In this project, I am using reported data from recreational psychedelics users. These users had indicated several health conditions, some mental health related, some not. Some of the conditions are noted with self-report, and some are reported with actual testing scores using known testing methods that indicated moderate-to-severe depression and anxiety.

My analysis determined that 67% of recreational psychedelics users (from this data set) had self-reported for mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, insomnia, chronic pain, migraine, and/or high test scores from other diagnostic tools.

When I ran the data again with an added factor of "knowledge of psychedelics as a therapeutic tool" ((read: think about the communities that are experimenting with microdosing psilocybin, or using cannabis to treat anxiety)), the percentage of use increased to 85%.

Here we can see how the data has helped establish a connection between education of therapeutic tool and use to alleviate mental health issues.

From here, we can begin to emphasize continued education and research about use of psychedelics to treat mental health conditions that can and will:

Thank you for your question @CheekeyMonkey and I would be glad to discuss more.

VoytekBereza commented 1 year ago

"_67% of recreational psychedelics users had self-reported for mental health conditions". Interesting, makes me think about intention. I wonder whether although they are taking it recreationally whether they have any mental health benefits from use.