lisamelton / video-transcoding-scripts

Utilities to transcode, inspect and convert videos.
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Explain how to install HandBrakeCLI with homebrew-cask #1

Closed vitorgalvao closed 10 years ago

lisamelton commented 10 years ago

Wow! I didn't realize HandBrakeCLI was available as a cask. Thanks.

I'll need to try this out first since I don't actually use Cask.

vitorgalvao commented 10 years ago

Feel free to hit me up with any questions. This is pretty straightforward, though:

brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask is just shorthand for brew tap caskroom/cask followed by brew install brew-cask (which is what makes brew cask commands available).

brew cask install handbrakecli does what you would expect. Take a look at the cask file for it and you should quickly understand what information it’s getting.

The nightly version is pointing to a different repo simply because we separate nightlies/old versions/betas from the latest stable versions (with some exceptions).

They both do the same: download the file specified in url (a dmg, in this case), unpack it under /opt/homebrew-cask/Caskroom (configurable) and symlink it to /usr/local/bin (again, configurable).

lisamelton commented 10 years ago

(Sorry I took so long to reply but I got distracted by my new Retina 5K iMac arriving. :)

I will totally add brew cask install handbrakecli to the README. But I want to re-organize that table, perhaps breaking out the HandBrakeCLI listing altogether. And I want to retain the manual installation instructions just in case.

So, yes, to this change! Just not this change exactly. :)

I'll probably do this tonight after I check in version 4.1 of this afternoon.

lisamelton commented 10 years ago

Vítor, I've added the explanation based on your patch. But I didn't merge the patch because I made so many changes to it.

Thank you so much for letting me know about installing HandBrake via Homebrew Cask!

vitorgalvao commented 10 years ago

I definitely like it better, it seems clearer than my submission. handbrakecli isn’t inside backticks on the table, though, is that intentional? Being the name of a tool, it seems like it should be.

lisamelton commented 10 years ago

This is what I get for checking in late at night. :)

Thanks, that'll be fixed shortly.

varase commented 7 years ago

I had handbrakecli installed with brew, but when I went to update it said:

[~] $ brew update Updated 2 taps (caskroom/cask, homebrew/core). ==> New Formulae bnd google-java-format metricbeat recon-ng cloog@0.15 gst-rtsp-server mfterm rpcgen cloog@0.18 handbrake mikutter sbjson closure-stylesheets ib minimesos sonarlint coffeescript isl@0.11 mmark stern curaengine isl@0.14 mpfr@2 swiftformat dnsviz jid mysql@5.5 tarsnapper eject jsonlint mysql@5.6 termius elasticsearch@1.7 juju@2.0 nanomsgxx terraform-provisioner-ansible elasticsearch@2.4 kops node@0.10 tomcat@6 excel-compare kubernetes-helm node@0.12 tomcat@7 gcc@4.8 libgc node@4 treefrog gcc@4.9 libgosu node@5 ttygif github-keygen libhttpseverywhere node@6 twarc glfw libmpc@0.8 packetbeat wdc gmic libosmium ppl@0.11 wu gmp@4 luaver qt@5.5 goenv lumo qwtpolar ==> Updated Formulae abcl gdb libunistring rancid abcm2ps gdk-pixbuf libuv ranger acpica gecode libvirt rbenv activemq gegl libvisio rclone advancecomp generate-json-schema libvoikko readline ✔ afflib geos libwebsockets redis agda geoserver libwpd rhash aha gflags libxml++3 riemann algernon ghc libzdb ringojs allegro gibo lighttpd ripgrep alot gimme links rmlint amazon-ecs-cli git llnode rocksdb ammonite-repl git-annex llvm roswell android-ndk git-cola loc rtags android-platform-tools git-ftp log4cxx rtv ansible git-lfs logstash ruby ✔ ansible-cmdb git-octopus logtalk ruby-build ansifilter git-series luaradio ruby-install antigen git-town luvit runit apache-brooklyn-cli gitbucket m-cli rust apache-flink gitlab-ci-multi-runner mackup s-search apache-spark gjstest macvim s6 apache-zeppelin glbinding mailutils sagittarius-scheme app-engine-go-32 glib makensis saltstack app-engine-go-64 glm mandoc sassc app-engine-java global mariadb sbcl arangodb globus-toolkit mawk sbtenv archi-steam-farm glog mdds scala argyll-cms glyr mdp scale2x aria2 gmime mdv scamper armor gmp media-info schismtracker artifactory gnatsd mediaconch scons asciinema gnome-builder megatools scw asio gnutls mercurial sdl2 ats2-postiats go meson sdl_image augeas goaccess mesos sdl_mixer autotrace godep metabase serf aws-elasticbeanstalk gofabric8 mg3a sf-pwgen aws-sdk-cpp google-benchmark micro sfk awscli googler micropython sfml axel gphoto2 minio shairport-sync azure-cli gradle minio-mc shared-mime-info babl grafana minizinc shellinabox baobab grails mitmproxy shyaml baresip graphite2 mkdocs sile bash graphviz mksh sjk bazel grib-api mkvtoolnix ✔ skinny bibtexconv groonga mlt slimerjs bitrise gsl mmix snakemake blockhash gspell moc snap-telemetry bmon gst-editing-services monetdb snappystream bro gst-libav mongo-orchestration snapraid buku gst-plugins-bad mongodb sngrep bullet gst-plugins-base monkeysphere snzip bzrtools gst-plugins-good mono softhsm cabal-install gst-plugins-ugly mosquitto solr caddy gst-python mpd sops cadubi gst-validate mpg123 sourcekitten caf gstreamer mpop speedtest_cli cairo gtk+3 mpv spim cairomm gtk-gnutella msitools sqldiff cake gtkdatabox msmtp sqlite ✔ calabash gtkextra mu sqlite-analyzer camlp4 gtkglext mupdf-tools sqliteodbc camlp5 gtksourceview3 mutt sqlmap cassandra gucharmap mvtools squid ccextractor gupnp-tools mycli srclib certbot gwt mypy ssh-copy-id certigo gwyddion mysql-sandbox sslscan ceylon h2o mytop sslyze charm-tools hadolint neo4j ssreflect cheat haproxy neofetch stunnel check_postgres harfbuzz netpbm stuntman checkstyle haskell-stack nexus subnetcalc chkrootkit headphones nghttp2 subversion chromedriver hebcal nifi suomi-malaga-voikko chruby-fish heroku nim supersonic citus highlight ninja suricata cli53 homebank nmap ✔ svgcleaner cliclick html-xml-utils node svtplay-dl clipper httpie node-build swi-prolog clojurescript hugo nomad swift closure-compiler hunspell noti swiftgen clutter-gst hyper notmuch swiftlint cmake hyperscan nsd swig cmark i2p nss sync_gateway cmus ibex nuget syncthing collectd ice nuxeo syncthing-inotify commandbox icu4c ocaml synfig conan idris ocamlbuild sysdig consul imagejs ocamlsdl tag consul-backinator imagemagick offlineimap tasksh convox imapfilter ola taylor cookiecutter infer omega tbb coq influxdb oniguruma tbox corectl innotop ooniprobe tccutil coreutils internetarchive open-scene-graph tcpreplay couchdb ioping openconnect tcsh cpanminus ios-sim openrtsp td cpprestsdk ipbt openshift-cli telegraf creduce ipmitool openssl@1.1 terraform cromwell ipsumdump openvdb terragrunt cryptopp ircd-hybrid openvpn testssl crystal-lang ironcli orientdb texmath csvtomd isl osm2pgrouting tgui curl iso-codes osm2pgsql the_platinum_searcher czmq jadx osmosis the_silver_searcher datetime-fortran jasper osquery tig dateutils javarepl osrm-backend tile38 davmail jboss-forge owfs tinc dbhash jemalloc p11-kit tippecanoe dbus jenkins packer tmux dcraw jenkins-job-builder paket tomcat dependency-check jetty pandoc tomcat-native devd jfrog-cli-go pandoc-citeproc tor diff-pdf jlog pandoc-crossref trafficserver diffoscope jmeter parallel translate-shell digdag jmxtrans parquet-tools ttfautohint direnv jpeg-turbo passenger ttyd distribution jruby pazpar2 twtxt dmd jsdoc3 pcap_dnsproxy typesafe-activator dmtx-utils jsoncpp pcsc-lite typescript dnscrypt-proxy jsonschema2pojo pdal u-boot-tools docker kapacitor pdf2htmlex ufraw docker-compose kawa pdftoedn unbound docker-machine-driver-xhyve keepassc peco uncrustify dockviz khal percona-server unshield docutils khard percona-toolkit upx dovecot kibana percona-xtrabackup urbit dpkg knot pex urweb dub kobalt pg_top utf8proc duplicity kotlin pgcli vala dwdiff kubernetes-cli pgloader vapoursynth efl lablgtk pgpool-ii vault eigen languagetool pgroonga vc4asm ejabberd lbdb pgrouting vdirsyncer elasticsearch lcov pick vim ✔ elixirscript lean-cli pigz vmtouch elm ledit pkcs11-helper vnstat emscripten lensfun platformio voldemort epeg lesspipe pldebugger voltdb ephemeralpg lfe pmd vowpal-wabbit epubcheck libarchive pngquant vte3 eris libbpg ponyc vultr erlang libcdr poppler wakatime-cli etcd libcec postgis wartremover exiftool libcouchbase postgresql wavpack exploitdb libcue postgrest webkitgtk fabio libdap pre-commit webp fabric libetonyek prometheus wellington fades libexosip proxychains-ng winetricks fantom libgcrypt psql2csv wireguard-tools fdroidserver libgit2 psqlodbc wireshark feedgnuplot libgpg-error pstoedit x264 ✔ ffmpeg ✔ libgphoto2 pugixml xapian file-roller libgraphqlparser pulledpork xcproj filebeat libgsf pulseaudio xctool fish libgweather purescript xonsh flake8 libical pushpin yarn flow libical-glib pwntools yaz fltk libicns py3cairo yle-dl fluent-bit liblastfm pyenv you-get fobis libltc pygtkglext youtube-dl folly libmicrohttpd pypy z3 fontforge libmspub pypy3 zabbix fonttools libosip pyqt5 zbar format-udf libphonenumber python ✔ zebra freeswitch libpqxx python3 zero-install freetds libpst qbs zeromq fstar libraw qjackctl zinc fuseki librdkafka qjson znapzend fwup libre qscintilla2 znc fzf librem quantlib zorba gabedit libressl quazip zplug galen libsass quilt zsh game-music-emu libstfl qxmpp zsh-completions gammu libtermkey rakudo-star zstd gauge libtiff ✔ rancher-cli zurl gcc libu2f-host rancher-compose ==> Renamed Formulae juju -> juju@1.25 libmongoclient -> mongo-cxx-driver mongo-c -> mongo-c-driver ==> Deleted Formulae bzr-explorer czmqpp libechonest pangox-compat polygen swish-e tlassemble unfs3 yelp-xsl coin libbson libqglviewer pdksh pyqt tevent ttylog wyrd ==> handbrakecli has been moved to Homebrew. To uninstall the cask run: brew cask uninstall --force handbrakecli ==> Installing handbrakecli... Error: No available formula with the name "homebrew/core/handbrakecli" ==> Searching for similarly named formulae... Error: No similarly named formulae found. ==> Searching taps... Error: No formulae found in taps.

So I (stupidly) ran (without looking at the brew update list):

16.12.27 07:15:10 Host: Verne-iMac5K, ID: varase, Num: 4, Hist: 504, RC: 0 [~] $ brew cask uninstall --force handbrakecli ==> Removing Binary symlink: '/usr/local/bin/HandBrakeCLI'

16.12.27 07:16:39 Host: Verne-iMac5K, ID: varase, Num: 5, Hist: 505, RC: 0 [~] $ brew update Already up-to-date.

16.12.27 07:17:29 Host: Verne-iMac5K, ID: varase, Num: 6, Hist: 506, RC: 0 [~] $ brew install handbrakecli Error: No available formula with the name "handbrakecli" ==> Searching for similarly named formulae... Error: No similarly named formulae found. ==> Searching taps... Error: No formulae found in taps.

Any idea how to reinstall handbrakecli, or will I just have to do it using the .dmg file?

I don't really recall - was there a man file for handbrakecli?

-- Thanks, Verne

vitorgalvao commented 7 years ago

@varase brew install handbrake.

Also, you’re in the wrong repo, as it is deprecated. The correct repo has the correct instructions.

varase commented 7 years ago

Thank you.