liseen / lua-resty-http

Lua http client driver for the ngx_lua based on the cosocket API
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Example of big file proxy #23

Open misiek08 opened 10 years ago

misiek08 commented 10 years ago

I'm using lua with nginx and I need to do some piping. I need to auth in lua on 3rd party website and then download file but not to my server, but directly piping to user.

nginx ==> 3rdparty/auth nginx <== 3rdparty: You are logged in nginx ==> 3rdparty/get/file/x.tar.gz; nginx <== 3rdparty: Here you are... binary data nginx.on_3rdparty_chunk(data) ==> nginx.send_to_client(data)

Is it possible? Can you give a simple example?

agentzh commented 10 years ago

@misiek08 I'm not the maintainer of liseen's lua-resty-http you're posting the issue to but I know James Hurst's version of lua-resty-http does support reading big response bodies in chunks from the remote end:

To implement strict non-buffered proxying, you need to read a chunk from the upstream and then call


afterwards. That is, sending out a data chunk to the downstream completely before reading the next data chunk from the upstream.

misiek08 commented 10 years ago

I think that's right time to all lua-resty-http's get together, make one powerful and rich-feature library :)

One library accepts cookie as array (it's very important for me), one have raw api to use chunk instead of whole body (it's most important feature) and other have some different thing...

@agentzh thank's for that reply, I just thought that I can't do this that way. I wasn't trying, because I'll have time at the weekend for it.

agentzh commented 10 years ago

@misiek08 Yeah, hopefully there will be an official lua-resty-http library soon :)

misiek08 commented 10 years ago

I'm looking for ability to set cookie file (like in curl) or multiple cookies as array... I'm now working on code.

misiek08 commented 10 years ago
for key, values in pairs(headers) do
        if type(values) ~= "table" then
            values = {values}

        key = tostring(key)
        for _, value in pairs(values) do
            req[c] = key .. ": " .. tostring(value) .. "\r\n"
            c = c + 1

Here we need change for cookies :)

agentzh commented 10 years ago

@misiek08 I think you can just construct the Cookie headers yourself. But I'm no expert of this particular Lua library.