lisiur / ChatWizard

OpenAI chat client desktop app (Windows, MacOS, Linux)
MIT License
137 stars 10 forks source link

Container #61

Closed drewdrew21b closed 6 months ago

drewdrew21b commented 11 months ago

It would be great if a container solution was offered so this could be easily used in conjunction with the localai container offering. This would simplify the required configurations even further than the current offerings.

lisiur commented 11 months ago

I'm not quite familiar with container technology. If anyone else knows about it, PR is welcome.

xyana commented 10 months ago

I could help out on this but where does ChatWizard place its configuration files? All I'm seeing is files in the .cache directory. (ubuntu). Or is that all that would need persistent storage?

lisiur commented 10 months ago

I could help out on this but where does ChatWizard place its configuration files? All I'm seeing is files in the .cache directory. (ubuntu). Or is that all that would need persistent storage?

There is only one configuration file which located at $HOME/.config/chat-wizard/chat-wizard.db (linux)

xyana commented 10 months ago

I have it in ~/.local/share/chat-wizard Contains the following files: chat-wizard.db deviceidhashsalts hsts-storage.sqlite storage Is this correct of should this be in .config? Is this in some way configurable?

In any case this should be on a volume as well as the .cache dir. I suspect the plugins as well. Where are those stored?

lisiur commented 10 months ago

Sorry, I might have made a mistake. On Linux, the configuration file should really be in $XDG_DATA_HOME/chat-wizard or $HOME/.local/share/chat-wizard. But as far as I know, there should only be one chat-wizard.db file needed (the plugins are also stored in this file). At least on my Mac, there's just one file.

lisiur commented 6 months ago