Problem is, it hooks onto the global window and the extension which loads first "wins" and the code of the other extension is using the arrive.js from the first.
That's an issue cause we are using functionality added in 2.4.1, namely support for arrow functions.
If we would sync on the version, it would allow both extensions to live happily together :))
Ahoj 🇨🇿 First of all, thx for this extension, using it all the time :)
I'm contributing to another Strava extension, where I also use arrive.js to detect changes.
Problem is, it hooks onto the global window and the extension which loads first "wins" and the code of the other extension is using the arrive.js from the first.
That's an issue cause we are using functionality added in 2.4.1, namely support for arrow functions.
If we would sync on the version, it would allow both extensions to live happily together :))