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Initialize the ASDF source registry with all projects in ~/dev/lisp/, excluding specific project directories #44

Open vindarel opened 3 weeks ago

vindarel commented 3 weeks ago

Initialize the ASDF source registry with all projects in ~/dev/lisp/, excluding specific project directories (asdf/ and old/).

source: &&

(let* ((initialize-source-registry
         (intern "INITIALIZE-SOURCE-REGISTRY" (find-package "ASDF")))
         (merge-pathnames #p"dev/lisp/" (user-homedir-pathname)))
         (mapcar (lambda (subpath)
                   (merge-pathnames subpath project-root-directory))
         (delete-if (lambda (path)
                      (member path blacklisted-directories :test #'equal))
                    (directory (make-pathname :defaults project-root-directory
                                              :type :wild :name :wild)))))
  (funcall initialize-source-registry
             ,@(mapcar (lambda (path)
                         `(:tree ,path))
svetlyak40wt commented 3 weeks ago

Finally, :EXCLUDE and :ALSO-EXCLUDE do not seem to do anything, COMPUTE-SOURCE-REGISTRY is always called with the default exclusion list even though PROCESS-SOURCE-REGISTRY processed the :EXCLUDE form.

This is incorrect. The order of rules does matter. The chapter "Search Algorithm" says:

Exclude statements are not propagated to further included or inherited configuration files or expressions; instead the defaults are reset around every configuration statement to the default defaults from asdf::default-source-registry-exclusions.

For example, if we have two files ~/lisp/foo/foo.asd and ~/lisp/bar/bar.asd with a content like this:

(defsystem "foo")


(defsystem "bar")

Then we could create such registry configuration:

  (:also-exclude "bar")
  (:tree "~/lisp/"))

But a version where :also-exclude goes after the :tree like this:

  (:tree "~/lisp/")
  (:also-exclude "bar"))

will not work, because these directives are processed sequentially by this code.

svetlyak40wt commented 3 weeks ago

Also, I've found pathname-match-p and a wild pathname could be used for having path globs.

Here is a small example:

CL-USER> (pathname-match-p "~/lisp/blah/minor"
                           (uiop:wilden "~/lisp/"))

CL-USER> (pathname-match-p "/tmp/lisp/blah/minor"
                           (uiop:wilden "~/lisp/"))

It would be cool to incorporate ability to add wild pathnames into the ASDF's exclusion lists and to match them agains a full pathname instead of the last directory component!