lisphilar / covid19-sir

CovsirPhy: Python library for COVID-19 analysis with phase-dependent SIR-derived ODE models.
Apache License 2.0
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[New/Revise] simpify title of Scenario.trend() figure #687

Closed lisphilar closed 3 years ago

lisphilar commented 3 years ago

Summary of this new feature

Revise the title of Scenario.trend() figure to simplify it as follows. Before: "Japan: S-R trend changed on 19Feb2020,......18Mar2021" After: "Japan: phases detected with S-R trend analysis"

Japan data with 37 phases at the current version 2.17.0-mu: trend_12_Japan

The locations of labels will be also updated.


import covsirphy as cs
data_loader = cs.DataLoader()
jhu_data = data_loader.jhu()
population_data = data_loader.population()
oxcgrt_data = data_loader.oxcgrt()
snl = cs.Scenario(country=country, province=None)
snl.register(jhu_data, population_data, extras=[oxcgrt_data])
lisphilar commented 3 years ago

This is relatec to #670.

lisphilar commented 3 years ago

Change points are listed in "Start" column (the 1st - the last phases) of Scenario.summary() dataframe.