lissettegomez / coMethDMR

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can't install coMethDMR #4

Closed chaoqianglai closed 3 years ago

chaoqianglai commented 3 years ago

Hi, I tried to install coMethDMR in my work station (Window) with R 4.0.3 following your manual. But it ran into this error (stopped at this message):

Please advise any solution to issue.

Thank you,

Chao-Qiang Lai

chaoqianglai commented 3 years ago

Never mind - problem resolved. Window can't unzip the downloaded files automatically, which prevents it from installing the downloaded files.

gabrielodom commented 3 years ago

Hello Prof. Lai, We are very pleased that you were able to solve your own issue. Please do not hesitate to ask any questions you may have about the software. We are still making effort to submit this package to Bioconductor within the next few months, so that should make installing the package easier in the future. Warm regards, Gabriel