listerily / ModdedBE

Open source Minecraft: Bedrock Edition launcher for Android. Using EnderCore as Mod Engine, patching NMods to Minecraft.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Custom blocks #7

Closed Lamfi closed 3 years ago

Lamfi commented 3 years ago

Hello listery,maybe you know how to create block on 1.13-1.16. I trying using VanillaBlockTypes::registerBlocks , but what i need to do next?

listerily commented 3 years ago

Hello, I'm sorry that I partly forgot it and I only succeed creating blocks on ancient versions of Minecraft (Maybe 1.0?). As I remembered,Firstly, You should create a custom class extends Block.

class MyBlock : public Block
    MyBlock(std::string const& nameId,int digitId)
        // ......

    // Other virtual methods, for example
    virtual bool isSolid()const
        return false;

Then,hook static method Block::initBlocks() (or, Block::registerBlocks() ?). In the hook method,create a pointer of the block (std::shared_ptr ?) and add it to the Block::mBlockLookupMap

void hook_initBlocks()

    // Create pointer and add it to the Block::mBlockLookupMap
    // You can also use the template method Block::registerBlock instead of creating a pointer and add it to the map

Don't forget to create a item for this block.Create a class extends BlockItem, register it in the Item::registerItems() (Or, Item::initItems() ?). Then create a pointer to this BlockItem and add it to the Item::mItemLookupMap.

That's all I could recall and they're too old for the modern versions of Minecraft. You can refer to the decompiled code in IDA to find out how the blocks were created.