litagin02 / Style-Bert-VITS2

Style-Bert-VITS2: Bert-VITS2 with more controllable voice styles.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Availability of using other BERT alternatives for current langauges #145

Open gordon0414 opened 1 week ago

gordon0414 commented 1 week ago

Hello, I was wondering if we can replace the BERT for current supported models

    Languages.JP: BASE_DIR / "bert" / "deberta-v2-large-japanese-char-wwm",
    Languages.EN: BASE_DIR / "bert" / "deberta-v3-large",
    Languages.ZH: BASE_DIR / "bert" / "chinese-roberta-wwm-ext-large",

Since the current models are mostly large variants of the models, but I think smaller BERT models will still be capable for our use case.

I mean by smaller variants such as

I suppose these variants won't cause any issues since the tokenizers are identical to the original ones

My hypothesis is that if we fine-tune our model with the new BERT models, it will seamlessly incorporate with the current system.

litagin02 commented 1 week ago

I haven't checked, but maybe as you guess we can, and you can try it.

gordon0414 commented 1 week ago

okay, maybe I should try it this weekend!