lite-xl / lite-xl-plugins

Plugins for the Lite XL editor
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Added a syntax hilighter for buzz programming language #404

Closed RohanVashisht1234 closed 2 months ago

RohanVashisht1234 commented 2 months ago

A syntax highlighter for buzz programming language in lite-xl

Hi everyone,

I'm excited to submit this pull request featuring a syntax highlighter for the Buzz programming language in Lite-XL IDE. This addition enhances the development experience for Buzz programmers within the Lite-XL environment, providing better readability and ease of navigation.

The syntax highlighter code has been meticulously crafted to accurately identify Buzz language elements and apply appropriate styling for optimal visual representation. I've tested it extensively to ensure compatibility and functionality across various scenarios.

I believe this enhancement aligns well with the goals of both the Buzz programming language and the Lite-XL IDE, facilitating smoother and more efficient development workflows for our community.

Your feedback and suggestions for improvement are highly appreciated.

Thank you for considering this contribution.

Best regards, Rohan Vashisht

Guldoman commented 2 months ago

Looks good, thanks!