litecoin-foundation / litewallet-android

Litewallet Android
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Re: [Litecoin Foundation: Litewallet] Re: Transfer failed #89

Closed kcw-grunt closed 1 year ago

kcw-grunt commented 1 year ago

This is a follow-up to your previous request #3151 "Transfer failed"

Are these the two transactions? That are just blank ?

Sent from my iPhone

 Litewallet Request Response


(created from Zendesk ticket #3172)

kcw-grunt commented 1 year ago

Agent comment from Pattyfan7 in Zendesk ticket #3172:

I’m going to hard sync it tonight again please get back to me about what those two blank spaces are if you can and did you receive transaction I’d

On Jan 4, 2023, at 1:03 PM, Patrick Fantasia wrote:

Also what are these two blank space Sent from my iPhone > On Jan 4, 2023, at 1:02 PM, Patrick Fantasia wrote: >  > > > > Here is the transaction Id how do I check to see if it was sent to the Right one the receiving adress changes ever transaction correct


kcw-grunt commented 1 year ago

Agent comment from Jim Flanagan in Zendesk ticket #3172:

Our Devs have found the issue and are working on it. Please be patient and thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. We appreciate your support and always know that your Litecoin is safe on the blockchain and why it is so important to keep your seed phrases in a safe place as your coins are not on the actual wallet or any wallet for that matter but safe and sound on the blockchain.

Jim Flanagan Litewallet Support


kcw-grunt commented 1 year ago

Agent comment from Pattyfan7 in Zendesk ticket #3172:

So you think I’ll get my money eventually?


kcw-grunt commented 1 year ago

Agent comment from Jim Flanagan in Zendesk ticket #3172:


Your money has always been there, again if it was sent to the correct wallet address etc. and is why it is so important to have your seed phrases written down and kept in a safe place.

Just so you know, those seed words can be used on any wallet that allows you to recover a wallet and they have Litecoin as a choice, not just Litewallet. There are no coins stored on your phone or app, they are on the blockchain. All that apps do is allow you to see into the blockchain and interact with the blockchain.

Jim Flanagan Litewallet Support


kcw-grunt commented 1 year ago

Agent comment from Pattyfan7 in Zendesk ticket #3198:

Yay!!! It works I have it now

Sent from my iPhone


kcw-grunt commented 1 year ago

Agent comment from Jim Flanagan in Zendesk ticket #3198:


See I told ya we would figure this out...

Now just make sure you keep your private keys safe, because again, these wallets don't hold your money, they are just a portal so you can view into the blockchain. Your Litecoin was always there...

Jim Flanagan


kcw-grunt commented 1 year ago

Agent comment from Jim Flanagan in Zendesk ticket #3198:Hello,

See I told ya we would figure this out...

Now just make sure you keep your private keys safe, because again, these wallets don't hold your money, they are just a portal so you can view into the blockchain. Your Litecoin was always there...

Jim Flanagan


Excellent response @Crypto-Keeper-miners

kcw-grunt commented 1 year ago

Resolved and action ongoing: 🕵🏽‍♀️[Post Mortem] Critical: Switchover masked bigger issues 46