litecoin-foundation / litewallet-android

Litewallet Android
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LTC balance and a couple of recent transactions not displaying correct USD amount #90

Closed kcw-grunt closed 1 year ago

kcw-grunt commented 1 year ago

Hey there, so I noticed following my last 2 received transactions that the USD amount being displayed does NOT much the actual amount of LTC sent and shown both on the blockchain as well as even in the litewallet app if I switch it to show in LTC rather than USD. For instance, I had a $12 transaction that the LTC amount equated to just fine on the blockchain and in the app, but when I switch to have it show in USD, it only says I received $10.57. I then noticed the same kind of thing happened with the transaction before that a couple of days ago. I then also looked at my whole balance and where as it shows 6.47676265 LTC which is currently worth $493 USD, it only shows $429.09 USD for my balance. I have the most recent version of the app and I have manually resynced my wallet to the blockchain 3 times now as well. Still, the issue occurs. Hopefully you can help me get this fixed. Thank you.

(created from Zendesk ticket #3181)

kcw-grunt commented 1 year ago

Agent comment from m3c9h5ix8q4 in Zendesk ticket #3181:

Since the ticket I sent in, I did some more looking online for solutions as well as just general brainstorming on my end. One of the ideas I kept coming back to was deleting the app on my phone and then reinstalling it followed by recovering my seed if not already reassigned to the app given that it's the same device. I thought maybe that would fix it somehow, but at the same time I was concerned that it could make things even worse and so that I don't even have access to the money it DID still show available to me in the app already. Well after seeing enough people online saying that deleting and reinstalling the app fixed various issues for them, I took the leap and did it. Potentially big mistake on my part it seems. After reinstalling, it automatically retrieved the same seed I used before like I thought it would since it's the same device and I did a manual resync as well. After all of that though, when I load the app, at the top it says 1 LTC = . It's just blank and as if it for whatever reason can't retrieve the current price. Same goes for within the app while logged in. For my balance in the top left it just says 0 = 0. Now if I choose to try and send money and click on the amount box, it DOES show my full LTC amount. Given that my balance is technically showing as 0 though and that it can't retrieve the LTC price, it would actually let me send any of it to another address. I've tried resyncing manually multiple times and on both my home wifi as well as my cellular data. Nothing works though. I REALLY hope something can be done to fix this so I'm not losing all of my money. I mean it's still clearly there and I have access to the seed for it. The app just won't update on the surface to allow me access to using the money. Thank you.


kcw-grunt commented 1 year ago

Agent comment from Jim Flanagan in Zendesk ticket #3181:

Our Devs have found the issue and are working on it. Please be patient and thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. We appreciate your support and always know that your Litecoin is safe on the blockchain and why it is so important to keep your seed phrases in a safe place as your coins are not on the actual wallet or any wallet for that matter but safe and sound on the blockchain.

Jim Flanagan Litewallet Support


kcw-grunt commented 1 year ago

Agent comment from Jim Flanagan in Zendesk ticket #3196:


The fix should be today.

Jim Flanagan Litewallet Support


kcw-grunt commented 1 year ago

Agent comment from m3c9h5ix8q4 in Zendesk ticket #3196:

Thank you very much, I really appreciate it!


kcw-grunt commented 1 year ago

Agent comment from Jim Flanagan in Zendesk ticket #3196:

Your very welcome.

Jim Flanagan


kcw-grunt commented 1 year ago

Resolved and action ongoing: 🕵🏽‍♀️[Post Mortem] Critical: Switchover masked bigger issues 46