litentry / litentry-graph

A GraphQL Server providing aggregated blockchain identity data
Apache License 2.0
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Add ETH_MAINNET_PROVIDER as GH action environment variable #178

Closed geastwood closed 2 years ago

geastwood commented 2 years ago

The ETH_MAINNET_PROVIDER has to be present in .env file to support some features within litentry-graph.

I would suggest that we set up a GH action environment variable ETH_MAINNET_PROVIDER="some litentry-org-access-key-url" to deploy the litentry-graph and for personal testing purpose, one has to get a free tier provider.

bdmason commented 2 years ago

The docker build isn't picking it up. @markdavison will look into options, but it looks like we may have to build the container on github then pull it down on the server

bdmason commented 2 years ago

@markdavison now we are using docker a lot, there might be a lot of value in a private docker host, as the less going on on the servers the easier they will become to manage. Although I don't know how the much complexity it will introduce with nginx/certbot integration.

geastwood commented 2 years ago

@markdavison @bdmason what's the update here?

bdmason commented 2 years ago

Closing as this will get superseded by AWS work