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Enhancement: Context Managers as Dependencies #3528

Open cofin opened 1 month ago

cofin commented 1 month ago


We currently support generator based dependencies, but not context managers. For instance the following works:

     async def provide_connection(
        state: State,
        scope: Scope,
    ) -> AsyncGenerator[Union[PoolConnectionProxy,Connection], None]:  # noqa: UP007
        """Create a connection instance.

            state: The ``Litestar.state`` instance.
            scope: The current connection's scope.

            A connection instance.
        connection = cast("Optional[Union[PoolConnectionProxy,Connection]]", get_scope_state(scope, CONNECTION_SCOPE_KEY))
        if connection is None:
            pool = cast("Pool", state.get(self.pool_app_state_key))

            async with pool.acquire() as connection:
                set_scope_state(scope, CONNECTION_SCOPE_KEY, connection)
                yield connection

But adding an context manager decorator like this:

    async def provide_connection(
        state: State,
        scope: Scope,
    ) -> AsyncGenerator[Union[PoolConnectionProxy,Connection], None]:  # noqa: UP007
        """Create a connection instance.

            state: The ``Litestar.state`` instance.
            scope: The current connection's scope.

            A connection instance.
        connection = cast("Optional[Union[PoolConnectionProxy,Connection]]", get_scope_state(scope, CONNECTION_SCOPE_KEY))
        if connection is None:
            pool = cast("Pool", state.get(self.pool_app_state_key))

            async with pool.acquire() as connection:
                set_scope_state(scope, CONNECTION_SCOPE_KEY, connection)
                yield connection


msgspec.ValidationError: Unsupported type: <class 'contextlib._AsyncGeneratorContextManager'> - at `$.db_connection`

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provinzkraut commented 2 weeks ago

I don't think we can reasonably support this without requiring to add some abstractions that make it rather useless as a feature. The issue here is that we cannot distinguish between a dependency that is meant to be used as a contextmanager, and a dependency that just happens to be a contextmanager.


from sqlalchemy.orm import Session

def provide_session() -> Session:
 session = get_session() # gets session from somewhere
 return session

app = Litestar(depenencies={"session": provide_session})

this wouldn't work, because Session is a context manager, and Litestar would try to call its __enter__ and __exit__ methods, causing unintended side-effects.

We could solve this by providing some wrapper that indicates that this dependency provider should be treated as a context manager, but then again you can achieve the same thing with

async def provide_connection() -> Union[PoolConnectionProxy, Connection]:
 async with thing.provide_connection() as conn:
  yield conn