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Adding spisdcard to DE0-nano does no longer fits in Logic Elements #335

Open jeremy-heath opened 1 year ago

jeremy-heath commented 1 year ago

Before adding total Logic Elements 10,061, after adding spisdcard total Logic Elements 36,093. I was expecting a few hundred LE. About 1.5 years ago, DE0-nano with serial and spisdcard would fit in the FPGA.

I need help determining what is using the extra Logic Elements.

With spisdcard Quartus II 32-bit Version : 13.0.1 Build 232 06/12/2013 SP 1 SJ Web Edition Revision Name : de0nano Top-level Entity Name : de0nano Family : Cyclone IV E Total logic elements : 36,093 Total combinational functions : 18,962 Dedicated logic registers : 19,833 Total registers : 19911 Total pins : 54 Total virtual pins : 0 Total memory bits : 373,632 Embedded Multiplier 9-bit elements : 8 Total PLLs : 1

Nominal Quartus II 32-bit Version : 13.0.1 Build 232 06/12/2013 SP 1 SJ Web Edition Revision Name : de0nano Top-level Entity Name : de0nano Family : Cyclone IV E Total logic elements : 10,061 Total combinational functions : 7,080 Dedicated logic registers : 5,490 Total registers : 5568 Total pins : 50 Total virtual pins : 0 Total memory bits : 292,706 Embedded Multiplier 9-bit elements : 8 Total PLLs : 1

Dolu1990 commented 1 year ago

It look like the issue is related to some memories in the spisdcard not being inferred properly as block ram, but as registers. @enjoy-digital Maybe some byte mask are used to write some memory ? making things hard to infer for the synthesis tool ?

enjoy-digital commented 1 year ago

Hi @jeremy-heath, @Dolu1990,

I'll do some tests. The spisdcard is not really using that much logic since it's a simple SPIMaster core, but some extra BIOS software is added to handle the SDCard, so probably using more ROM. Block are are probably all used to Quartus starts using LEs for RAM and resource usage explodes...

enjoy-digital commented 1 year ago

@jeremy-heath: If you want to do some test before I have a look, you can play with these 2 parameters: By reducing L2 size you'll maybe free up enough BlockRAMs.

jeremy-heath commented 1 year ago

change "l2_size" : 512 within Barely fits. Total logic elements : 20,150 / 22,320 ( 90 % ) Total combinational functions : 14,569 / 22,320 ( 65 % ) Dedicated logic registers : 14,287 / 22,320 ( 64 % )

SPI only (not spisdcard) within Total logic elements : 8,834 / 22,320 ( 40 % ) Total combinational functions : 7,293 / 22,320 ( 33 % ) Dedicated logic registers : 5,435 / 22,320 ( 24 % )

Litex-boards target "" is also unable to build with "add_spi_sdcard". This is probably not a linux-on-litex-vexriscv issue.

jeremy-heath commented 11 months ago

Rolling back Litex to 12/2022 allowed spisdcard module to fit in logic. Still unsure what was changed.