lithammer / NeavUI

Development branch of Neav UI
MIT License
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nCore _bubbles.lua? #151

Closed Grimsbain closed 8 years ago

Grimsbain commented 8 years ago

Was bubbles.lua in nCore disabled for a reason? In the ToC it just calls bubbles.lua but the name of the file is _bubbles.lua.

ghost commented 8 years ago

@Neav You can use these I coded up.

preview here

@Grimsbain Yes, they have been disabled for some time now and I do believe because they were buggy.

lithammer commented 8 years ago

@Kkthnx is you version working and bug free?

ghost commented 8 years ago

The chat bubble script is, yes. Repo of your UI no on my end locally and on GitHub fork. I haven't caught up with the latest changes.