lithin9 / Unturned-Custom-Plugin

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Fix/mitigate loading screen stuck error #207

Closed jcvl92 closed 8 years ago

jcvl92 commented 8 years ago

Sometimes players get stuck at the loading screen, although they are technically in the server. This happened to me when I logged out in the corner of a house and logged in later that day. We could make a /unstuck command that saves their state, kills them, and then respawns them and restores their state. That would be a good temporary fix, but the route cause should be looked into(we might have to contact nelson on this one).

jcvl92 commented 8 years ago

I think this might be due to fucking with onPlayerConnected. If a delegate crashes, it will prevent everything left in the invocation list from running. Perhaps there is some sort of UI initializer or tellLoaded message that is getting canceled.

jcvl92 commented 8 years ago

Possible variables on log out: Bugged night vision In the corner of a first floor building Looking into a wall Prone

Possible cause: Timer not waiting long enough to change skills out

jcvl92 commented 8 years ago

Fixed with commits: and