Currently, when the results of the individual unit tests are reported, if the result is a success, colors.success (✔) symbol is used else colors.error (✖) is used.(line 484 in index.js). However, the unit test could also be skipped in which case (ℹ) symbol should be used like it is used while printing the summary. Although "skipped" is mentioned for the unit test in round brackets, it would be good to have the same symbol at all places.
Currently, when the results of the individual unit tests are reported, if the result is a success, colors.success (✔) symbol is used else colors.error (✖) is used.(line 484 in index.js). However, the unit test could also be skipped in which case (ℹ) symbol should be used like it is used while printing the summary. Although "skipped" is mentioned for the unit test in round brackets, it would be good to have the same symbol at all places.