litnimax / astconfman

Asterisk ConfBridge Manager
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
45 stars 36 forks source link

unable to set utime on /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing #35

Closed asteriskauto closed 7 years ago

asteriskauto commented 7 years ago

import commands import os import shutil import tempfile from flask.ext.babelex import gettext from transliterate import translit from app import app import pwd import grp

config = app.config

def _cli_command(cmd): shell_cmd = "%s -rx '%s'" % (config['ASTERISK_EXECUTABLE'], cmd) if config['ASTERISK_SSH_ENABLED']: shell_cmd = 'ssh -p%s %s@%s "%s"' % (config['ASTERISK_SSH_PORT'], config['ASTERISK_SSH_USER'], config['ASTERISK_SSH_HOST'], shell_cmd) status, output = commands.getstatusoutput(shell_cmd) if status != 0: raise Exception(output) return output

def confbridge_list(): rooms = [] output = _cli_command('confbridge list') for line in output.split('\n')[2:]: # Skip 2 line headers line = line.split() if line[0].isdigit(): rooms.append(line) return rooms

def confbridge_list_participants(confno): output = _cli_command('confbridge list %s' % confno) if 'No conference' in output: return [] participants = [] lines = output.split('\n') header = lines[0].split() for line in lines[2:]: line = line.split() channel = line[0] flags = '' callerid = '' if len(header) == 7 and header[6] == 'CallerID':

['Channel', 'User', 'Profile', 'Bridge', 'Profile', 'Menu', 'CallerID']

        if len(line) == 3:
            # User Profile and Bridge Profile are empty as it should be.
            callerid = line[2]
    elif len(header) == 8 and header[7] == 'Muted':
        # ['Channel', 'User', 'Profile', 'Bridge', 'Profile', 'Menu', 'CallerID', 'Muted']
        if len(line) == 4:
            # User Profile and Bridge Profile are empty as it should be.
            callerid = line[2]
            flags = 'm' if line[3] == 'Yes' else ''
    elif len(header) == 8 and header[1] == 'Flags':
        # ['Channel', 'Flags', User', 'Profile', 'Bridge', 'Profile', 'Menu', 'CallerID']
        if len(line) == 3:
            # No flags no default profiles
            callerid = line[2]
        elif len(line) == 4:
            # Flags are set default profiles not set
            flags = line[1]
            callerid = line[3]
        elif len(line) == 5:
            # Flags are not set and default profiles are set
            callerid = line[4]
        elif len(line) == 6:
            # Flags are set and default profiles also set
            flags = line[1]
            callerid = line[5]

            'channel': channel,
            'flags': flags,
            'callerid': callerid,
return participants

def originate(confnum, number, name='', bridge_options=[], user_options=[]): tempname = tempfile.mktemp() f = open(tempname, mode='w') f.write(config['CALLOUT_TEMPLATE'] % {'number': number, 'name': translit(name, 'ru', reversed=True), 'confnum': confnum}) f.write('\n')

Now iterate over profile options

for option in user_options:
    o, v = option.split('=')
    f.write('Set: CONFBRIDGE(user,%s)=%s\n' % (o, v))
for option in bridge_options:
    o, v = option.split('=')
    f.write('Set: CONFBRIDGE(bridge,%s)=%s\n' % (o, v))

    ssh_cmd_prefix = 'ssh -p%s %s@%s "%%s"' % (config['ASTERISK_SSH_PORT'],
    scp_cmd_prefix = 'scp -P%s %%s %s@%s:%%s' % (config['ASTERISK_SSH_PORT'],
    remote_tmp_file = commands.getoutput(ssh_cmd_prefix % 'mktemp')
    scp_tmp_file = commands.getoutput(scp_cmd_prefix % (tempname,
    commands.getoutput(ssh_cmd_prefix % 'mv %s %s' % (remote_tmp_file,
    # Move it to Asterisk outgoing calls queue.

        uid = pwd.getpwnam("asterisk").pw_uid
        gid = grp.getgrnam("asterisk").gr_gid
    os.chown(tempname, uid, gid)    
    shutil.move(tempname, os.path.join(
                    '%s.%s' % (confnum, number)))
        raise OSError
    except OSError:
        # This happends that Asterisk immediately deleted call file

def confbridge_get(confno): output = _cli_command('confbridge list') for line in output.split('\n')[2:]: # Skip 2 line headers line = line.split() if line[0].isdigit() and line[0] == confno: return { 'name': line[0], 'users': int(line[1]), 'marked': False if line[2] == '0' else True, 'locked': False if line[3] == 'unlocked' or line[3] == 'No' else True }

If no conference is running return empty dict

return {
    'name': confno,
    'users': 0,
    'marked': False,
    'locked': False

def confbridge_get_user_count(confno): return confbridge_get(confno)['users']

def confbridge_is_locked(confno): return confbridge_get(confno)['locked']

def confbridge_kick(confno, channel): return _cli_command('confbridge kick %s %s' % (confno, channel))

def confbridge_kick_all(confno): return _cli_command('confbridge kick %s all' % confno)

def confbridge_mute(confno, channel): return _cli_command('confbridge mute %s %s' % (confno, channel))

def confbridge_unmute(confno, channel): return _cli_command('confbridge unmute %s %s' % (confno, channel))

def confbridge_lock(confno): return _cli_command('confbridge lock %s' % confno)

def confbridge_unlock(confno): return _cli_command('confbridge unlock %s' % confno)

def confbridge_record_start(confno): return _cli_command('confbridge record start %s' % confno)

def confbridge_record_stop(confno): return _cli_command('confbridge record stop %s' % confno)

This change is Reviewable

asteriskauto commented 7 years ago -

import pwd import grp

uid = pwd.getpwnam("asterisk").pw_uid gid = grp.getgrnam("asterisk").gr_gid os.chown(tempname, uid, gid)

shutil.chown is available only in python 3.3