little-dude / netlink

netlink libraries for rust
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veth: name and peer name swapped #289

Open Tuetuopay opened 1 year ago

Tuetuopay commented 1 year ago

When creating a veth pair, the name and the peer name are swapped.

The odd thing is the sources actually contain a comment about it being swapped:

I don't know if it's supposed to counter something from the kernel or not, but on the latest library version, with the latest kenel, those are indeed swapped.


  1. Create a netns, e.g. test: ip netns add test
  2. Create a veth peer from the default ns to the test ns. The test NS should have the peer and the default one the regular one.
use std::{fs::File, os::unix::prelude::AsRawFd};

use rtnetlink::{
    packet::nlas::link::{Info, InfoData, Nla, VethInfo},
use tokio::runtime::Builder;

fn main() {

async fn async_main() {
    let (worker, rtnl, _) = new_connection().unwrap();

    let ns = File::open("/var/run/netns/common").unwrap();

    let mut req ="name".to_owned(), "peer".to_owned());
    for nla in &mut req.message_mut().nlas {
        if let Nla::Info(infos) = nla {
            for info in infos {
                if let Info::Data(InfoData::Veth(VethInfo::Peer(peer))) = info {
  1. Observe that the default ns contains the link named peer, while the test ns contains the one named name