Open SpeedrunnerG55 opened 7 years ago
Getting this too, whenever I load an item from the time machine timeline (app.ts - TypeScript file from angular js v1 project, if it matters)
I manually edited my
{CompositeDisposable, Directory, File} = require 'atom'
DiffView = require './diff-view'
LoadingView = require './ui/loading-view'
FooterView = require './ui/footer-view'
SyncScroll = require './sync-scroll'
configSchema = require './config-schema'
path = require 'path'
module.exports = SplitDiff =
diffView: null
config: configSchema
subscriptions: null
editorSubscriptions: null
isEnabled: false
wasEditor1Created: false
wasEditor2Created: false
hasGitRepo: false
process: null
activate: (state) ->
window.splitDiffResolves = []
@subscriptions = new CompositeDisposable()
@subscriptions.add atom.commands.add 'atom-workspace, .tree-view .selected, .tab.texteditor',
'split-diff:enable': (e) =>
'split-diff:next-diff': =>
if @isEnabled
'split-diff:prev-diff': =>
if @isEnabled
'split-diff:copy-to-right': =>
if @isEnabled
'split-diff:copy-to-left': =>
if @isEnabled
'split-diff:disable': => @disable()
'split-diff:ignore-whitespace': => @toggleIgnoreWhitespace()
'split-diff:toggle': => @toggle()
deactivate: ->
# called by "toggle" command
# toggles split diff
toggle: () ->
if @isEnabled
# called by "Disable" command
# removes diff and sync scroll, disposes of subscriptions
disable: () ->
@isEnabled = false
# remove listeners
if @editorSubscriptions?
@editorSubscriptions = null
if @diffView?
if @wasEditor1Created
if @wasEditor2Created
@diffView = null
# remove views
if @footerView?
@footerView = null
if @loadingView?
@loadingView = null
if @syncScroll?
@syncScroll = null
# reset all variables
@wasEditor1Created = false
@wasEditor2Created = false
@hasGitRepo = false
# auto hide tree view while diffing #82
if @_getConfig('hideTreeView')
atom.commands.dispatch(atom.views.getView(atom.workspace), 'tree-view:show')
# called by "toggle ignore whitespace" command
# toggles ignoring whitespace and refreshes the diff
toggleIgnoreWhitespace: ->
isWhitespaceIgnored = @_getConfig('ignoreWhitespace')
@_setConfig('ignoreWhitespace', !isWhitespaceIgnored)
# called by "Move to next diff" command
nextDiff: ->
if @diffView?
selectedIndex = @diffView.nextDiff()
@footerView?.showSelectionCount( selectedIndex + 1 )
# called by "Move to previous diff" command
prevDiff: ->
if @diffView?
selectedIndex = @diffView.prevDiff()
@footerView?.showSelectionCount( selectedIndex + 1 )
# called by "Copy to right" command
copyToRight: ->
if @diffView?
# called by "Copy to left" command
copyToLeft: ->
if @diffView?
# called by the commands enable/toggle to do initial diff
# sets up subscriptions for auto diff and disabling when a pane is destroyed
# event is an optional argument of a file path to diff with current
diffPanes: (event) ->
# in case enable was called again
@editorSubscriptions = new CompositeDisposable()
if event?.currentTarget.classList.contains('tab')
filePath = event.currentTarget.path
editorsPromise = @_getEditorsForDiffWithActive(filePath)
else if event?.currentTarget.classList.contains('list-item') && event?.currentTarget.classList.contains('file')
filePath = event.currentTarget.getPath()
editorsPromise = @_getEditorsForDiffWithActive(filePath)
editorsPromise = @_getEditorsForQuickDiff()
editorsPromise.then ((editors) ->
if editors == null
@_setupVisibleEditors(editors.editor1, editors.editor2)
@diffView = new DiffView(editors)
# add listeners
@editorSubscriptions.add editors.editor1.onDidStopChanging =>
@editorSubscriptions.add editors.editor2.onDidStopChanging =>
@editorSubscriptions.add editors.editor1.onDidDestroy =>
@editorSubscriptions.add editors.editor2.onDidDestroy =>
@editorSubscriptions.add atom.config.onDidChange 'split-diff', () =>
@editorSubscriptions.add editors.editor1.onDidChangeCursorPosition (event) =>
if @diffView.handleCursorChange
@diffView.handleCursorChange(event.cursor, event.oldBufferPosition, event.newBufferPosition)
@editorSubscriptions.add editors.editor2.onDidChangeCursorPosition (event) =>
if @diffView.handleCursorChange
@diffView.handleCursorChange(event.cursor, event.oldBufferPosition, event.newBufferPosition)
@editorSubscriptions.add editors.editor1.onDidAddCursor (cursor) =>
if @diffView.handleCursorChange
@diffView.handleCursorChange(cursor, -1, cursor.getBufferPosition())
@editorSubscriptions.add editors.editor2.onDidAddCursor (cursor) =>
if @diffView.handleCursorChange
@diffView.handleCursorChange(cursor, -1, cursor.getBufferPosition())
# add the bottom UI panel
if !@footerView?
@footerView = new FooterView(@_getConfig('ignoreWhitespace'))
# update diff if there is no git repo (no onchange fired)
if !@hasGitRepo
# add application menu items
@editorSubscriptions.add [
'label': 'Packages'
'submenu': [
'label': 'Split Diff'
'submenu': [
{ 'label': 'Ignore Whitespace', 'command': 'split-diff:ignore-whitespace' }
{ 'label': 'Move to Next Diff', 'command': 'split-diff:next-diff' }
{ 'label': 'Move to Previous Diff', 'command': 'split-diff:prev-diff' }
{ 'label': 'Copy to Right', 'command': 'split-diff:copy-to-right'}
{ 'label': 'Copy to Left', 'command': 'split-diff:copy-to-left'}
@editorSubscriptions.add atom.contextMenu.add {
'atom-text-editor': [{
'label': 'Split Diff',
'submenu': [
{ 'label': 'Ignore Whitespace', 'command': 'split-diff:ignore-whitespace' }
{ 'label': 'Move to Next Diff', 'command': 'split-diff:next-diff' }
{ 'label': 'Move to Previous Diff', 'command': 'split-diff:prev-diff' }
{ 'label': 'Copy to Right', 'command': 'split-diff:copy-to-right'}
{ 'label': 'Copy to Left', 'command': 'split-diff:copy-to-left'}
).bind(this) # make sure the scope is correct
# called by both diffPanes and the editor subscription to update the diff
updateDiff: (editors) ->
@isEnabled = true
# auto hide tree view while diffing #82
if @_getConfig('hideTreeView') && document.querySelector('.tree-view')
atom.commands.dispatch(atom.views.getView(atom.workspace), 'tree-view:toggle')
# if there is a diff being computed in the background, cancel it
if @process?
@process = null
isWhitespaceIgnored = @_getConfig('ignoreWhitespace')
editorPaths = @_createTempFiles(editors)
# create the loading view if it doesn't exist yet
if !@loadingView?
@loadingView = new LoadingView()
# --- kick off background process to compute diff ---
{BufferedNodeProcess} = require 'atom'
command = path.resolve __dirname, "./compute-diff.js"
args = [editorPaths.editor1Path, editorPaths.editor2Path, isWhitespaceIgnored]
theOutput = ''
stdout = (output) =>
theOutput = output
computedDiff = JSON.parse(output)
@process = null
@_resumeUpdateDiff(editors, computedDiff)
stderr = (err) =>
theOutput = err
exit = (code) =>
if code != 0
console.log('BufferedNodeProcess code was ' + code)
@process = new BufferedNodeProcess({command, args, stdout, stderr, exit})
# --- kick off background process to compute diff ---
# resumes after the compute diff process returns
_resumeUpdateDiff: (editors, computedDiff) ->
return unless @diffView?
if @syncScroll?
@syncScroll = null
leftHighlightType = 'added'
rightHighlightType = 'removed'
if @_getConfig('leftEditorColor') == 'red'
leftHighlightType = 'removed'
if @_getConfig('rightEditorColor') == 'green'
rightHighlightType = 'added'
@diffView.displayDiff(computedDiff, leftHighlightType, rightHighlightType, @_getConfig('diffWords'), @_getConfig('ignoreWhitespace'))
while window.splitDiffResolves?.length
scrollSyncType = @_getConfig('scrollSyncType')
if scrollSyncType == 'Vertical + Horizontal'
@syncScroll = new SyncScroll(editors.editor1, editors.editor2, true)
else if scrollSyncType == 'Vertical'
@syncScroll = new SyncScroll(editors.editor1, editors.editor2, false)
# Gets the first two visible editors found or creates them as needed.
# Returns a Promise which yields a value of {editor1: TextEditor, editor2: TextEditor}
_getEditorsForQuickDiff: () ->
editor1 = null
editor2 = null
# try to find the first two editors
panes = atom.workspace.getPanes()
for p in panes
activeItem = p.getActiveItem()
if atom.workspace.isTextEditor(activeItem)
if editor1 == null
editor1 = activeItem
else if editor2 == null
editor2 = activeItem
# auto open editor panes so we have two to diff with
if editor1 == null
editor1 = atom.workspace.buildTextEditor()
@wasEditor1Created = true
# add first editor to the first pane
if editor2 == null
editor2 = atom.workspace.buildTextEditor()
@wasEditor2Created = true
rightPaneIndex = panes.indexOf(atom.workspace.paneForItem(editor1)) + 1
if panes[rightPaneIndex]
# add second editor to existing pane to the right of first editor
# no existing pane so split right
atom.workspace.paneForItem(editor1).splitRight({items: [editor2]})
return Promise.resolve({editor1: editor1, editor2: editor2})
# Gets the active editor and opens the specified file to the right of it
# Returns a Promise which yields a value of {editor1: TextEditor, editor2: TextEditor}
_getEditorsForDiffWithActive: (filePath) ->
activeEditor = atom.workspace.getActiveTextEditor()
if activeEditor?
editor1 = activeEditor
@wasEditor2Created = true
panes = atom.workspace.getPanes()
# get index of pane following active editor pane
rightPaneIndex = panes.indexOf(atom.workspace.paneForItem(editor1)) + 1
# pane is created if there is not one to the right of the active editor
rightPane = panes[rightPaneIndex] || atom.workspace.paneForItem(editor1).splitRight()
if editor1.getPath() == filePath
# if diffing with itself, set filePath to null so an empty editor is
# opened, which will cause a git diff
filePath = null
editor2Promise = atom.workspace.openURIInPane(filePath, rightPane)
return editor2Promise.then (editor2) ->
return {editor1: editor1, editor2: editor2}
noActiveEditorMsg = 'No active file found! (Try focusing a text editor)'
atom.notifications.addWarning('Split Diff', {detail: noActiveEditorMsg, dismissable: false, icon: 'diff'})
return Promise.resolve(null)
return Promise.resolve(null)
_setupVisibleEditors: (editor1, editor2) ->
BufferExtender = require './buffer-extender'
buffer1LineEnding = (new BufferExtender(editor1.getBuffer())).getLineEnding()
if @wasEditor2Created
# want to scroll a newly created editor to the first editor's position
# set the preferred line ending before inserting text #39
if buffer1LineEnding == '\n' || buffer1LineEnding == '\r\n'
@editorSubscriptions.add editor2.onWillInsertText () ->
@_setupGitRepo(editor1, editor2)
# unfold all lines so diffs properly align
shouldNotify = !@_getConfig('muteNotifications')
softWrapMsg = 'Warning: Soft wrap enabled! (Line diffs may not align)'
if editor1.isSoftWrapped() && shouldNotify
atom.notifications.addWarning('Split Diff', {detail: softWrapMsg, dismissable: false, icon: 'diff'})
else if editor2.isSoftWrapped() && shouldNotify
atom.notifications.addWarning('Split Diff', {detail: softWrapMsg, dismissable: false, icon: 'diff'})
buffer2LineEnding = (new BufferExtender(editor2.getBuffer())).getLineEnding()
if buffer2LineEnding != '' && (buffer1LineEnding != buffer2LineEnding) && editor1.getLineCount() != 1 && editor2.getLineCount() != 1 && shouldNotify
# pop warning if the line endings differ and we haven't done anything about it
lineEndingMsg = 'Warning: Line endings differ!'
atom.notifications.addWarning('Split Diff', {detail: lineEndingMsg, dismissable: false, icon: 'diff'})
_setupGitRepo: (editor1, editor2) ->
editor1Path = editor1.getPath()
# only show git changes if the right editor is empty
if editor1Path? && (editor2.getLineCount() == 1 && editor2.lineTextForBufferRow(0) == '')
for directory, i in atom.project.getDirectories()
if editor1Path is directory.getPath() or directory.contains(editor1Path)
projectRepo = atom.project.getRepositories()[i]
if projectRepo? && projectRepo.repo?
relativeEditor1Path = projectRepo.relativize(editor1Path)
gitHeadText = projectRepo.repo.getHeadBlob(relativeEditor1Path)
if gitHeadText?
@hasGitRepo = true
# creates temp files so the compute diff process can get the text easily
_createTempFiles: (editors) ->
editor1Path = ''
editor2Path = ''
tempFolderPath = atom.getConfigDirPath() + '/split-diff'
editor1Path = tempFolderPath + '/split-diff 1'
editor1TempFile = new File(editor1Path)
editor2Path = tempFolderPath + '/split-diff 2'
editor2TempFile = new File(editor2Path)
editorPaths =
editor1Path: editor1Path
editor2Path: editor2Path
return editorPaths
_getConfig: (config) ->
_setConfig: (config, value) ->
atom.config.set("split-diff.#{config}", value)
# --- SERVICE API ---
getMarkerLayers: () ->
new Promise (resolve, reject) ->
provideSplitDiff: ->
getMarkerLayers: @getMarkerLayers
if @diffView.handleCursorChange
is what I added in a few placed
[Enter steps to reproduce:]
Atom: 1.15.0 x64 Electron: 1.3.13 OS: Ubuntu 16.04.2 Thrown From: git-time-machine package 1.5.9
Stack Trace
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'handleCursorChange' of null
Non-Core Packages