Open ex-jedi opened 7 years ago
I am getting this error too.
I am getting very similar error on almost all files but not one .less file in the same git repository using the same commits. Very confusing error, I tried manually formatting the output of the get pretty log to what the error specifies both with and without the double quotes, but the change in the log is not persistent so it does not seem to help this error.
I also installed git-log and that does work so...
Versions Atom: 1.18.0 OS: Windows 8 git
I actually might have figured out why it only works on some files for me. Time Machine does not seem to like any file that has a name with a space inside the name. I had removed the spaces in the name and now Time Machine works fine on it. I noticed that in the error the throws the first word after the first space as could not be found in tree, even if that word is a folder directory name as in ex-jedi's error message.
@cb-radio is on point. Possibly surrounding the windows path with quotes might solve this? or escape the spaces?
You must don't have 'space' among Your Folder Name.
Getting the following error.
Error: Command failed: git log --pretty="format:{#/dquotes/id#/dquotes/: #/dquotes/%H#/dquotes/, #/dquotes/authorName#/dquotes/: #/dquotes/%an#/dquotes/, #/dquotes/relativeDate#/dquotes/: #/dquotes/%cr#/dquotes/, #/dquotes/authorDate#/dquotes/: %at, #/dquotes/message#/dquotes/: #/dquotes/%s#/dquotes/, #/dquotes/body#/dquotes/: #/dquotes/%b#/dquotes/, #/dquotes/hash#/dquotes/: #/dquotes/%h#/dquotes/}" --topo-order --date=local --numstat C:\Users\Mark\Documents\Web^ Design^ Local\host\katephoenix\css\about^-me.css fatal: Design: no such path in the working tree. Use 'git -- ...' to specify paths that do not exist locally.
I'm on Windows, but this seems similar to an issue on mac when xcode license agreement is needed, which is flagged on the package settings page.
Command History
This report was created in and posted from the Atom editor using the package