littlebizzy / slickstack

Lightning-fast WordPress on Nginx
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Nginx access log enabled by default but nginx.conf says not #206

Closed joshfester closed 9 months ago

joshfester commented 9 months ago

In the nginx.conf, it says this about access logs:

"to improve scalability access_log is hardcode disabled to reduce CPU and disk usage"

but then it does not seem to be disabled:

access_log /var/www/logs/nginx-access.log;

Is the access log disabled somewhere else? Am I just misunderstanding this? Also, is this purely about performance or are there other implications like storage space?

Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask. Just trying to get a deep understanding of the whole stack 🤓

jessuppi commented 9 months ago

You are correct @joshfester

There are still some things like this floating around SlickStack, because I'm not sure about a few features being hardcoded or not, or what the best default setting should be. What are your thoughts re: access logging?

In the past the opinion has been it wastes CPU esp. during high traffic. However I'm not sure how serious that is, because I haven't noticed major issues with it in most cases.

joshfester commented 9 months ago

Thanks @jessuppi

I've never run into any scaling issues with access logging, but it does make sense that disabling it would increase performance. It would be very interesting to see a benchmark comparing logs vs no logs

One argument for enabling the logs is monitoring tools. I ran into this issue because I was testing out Nginx Amplify. It not only requires the access logs, it also requires writing additional data to the logs. I believe this is pretty common -- at first glance it looks like this is how Signoz monitors Nginx as well.

Another option is passing the logs to syslog rather than writing directly to a file. I swear I saw some Nginx docs implying that this was better for performance, but I can't find a link. It's possible that this is a good middle ground.

Overall I'd lean towards using access logs for monitoring. However, I still haven't narrowed my search for the best monitoring solution. Would love to hear your thoughts on that if you have any

jessuppi commented 9 months ago


jessuppi commented 9 months ago


jessuppi commented 9 months ago

Great thanks for the specific examples @joshfester

I've been wanting to hardcode enable access_log for the last few years, just was hoping someone else would come by and sort of confirm my opinions on this publicly. I have some fairly high traffic clients using SlickStack with access logging enabled and haven't noticed any issues, I think for usability it makes much more sense to keep it enabled.

Plus, we just recently added support for cloudflare.conf and real IP tracking anyways.


Another option is passing the logs to syslog rather than writing directly to a file. I swear I saw some Nginx docs implying that this was better for performance, but I can't find a link. It's possible that this is a good middle ground.

That's interesting, I've never heard that before. I wonder why. Well, to keep things clean and organized I think best to keep the logs a bit separate from each other when appropriate so let's keep as-is for now. Thanks!

Re: monitoring prob best to discuss on the forums or Discord