littlebizzy / slickstack

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ss-config had a build version update, but ss-update-config didn't #212

Closed vivianedias closed 8 months ago

vivianedias commented 8 months ago

I'm trying to run ss-install again on my server, but I'm unable to because I think ss-update-config build version wasn't updated to "MAR2024ZZZZ" while ss-config-example was.

I'm currently getting the following error after ss-update-config:

Exiting ss-update-config: There is a version mismatch between this script and public mirrors...

And yes, I have ran ss-check to sync my local ss-update-config file with the remote.

icodeforlove commented 8 months ago

This is most likely because @jessuppi does not use version tags. This project should be using Semantic Versioning with tags, and a update process which utilizes this.

This would help avoid issues like this where you end up trying to update against a master only branch where the project owner commits to like a personal project.

jessuppi commented 8 months ago

Hey @vivianedias

Thanks for reporting, yes this was done on purpose to prevent new installations right now due a bug we are discussing on the Discord server, you are welcome to join there.

icodeforlove commented 8 months ago

Hey @vivianedias

Thanks for reporting, yes this was done on purpose to prevent new installations right now due a bug we are discussing on the Discord server, you are welcome to join there.

Addressing this issue could be more effectively managed through the adoption of a development/master branch workflow.

Limiting installations and updates seems counterproductive. It's worth considering allocating additional time to align with best practices in Git usage.

Additionally, reevaluating the current approach of committing each file separately with nondescriptive commit messages could lead to significant improvements. Transitioning to meaningful git commit messages is recommended.

Such changes would enhance the project's accessibility to collaborators and clarify project developments for its users.

Simply pushing any update at anytime to master is quite dangerous for various reasons, and proper update release cycles are only logical for any serious project which many sites, and services depend on.

You are accepting donations, and sponsors so it may be the right time to get serious about this.

jessuppi commented 8 months ago

Bug fixed causing openssl.conf to not copy over properly sometimes, by replacing ss_cp with ss_mv inside the ss-install-nginx-ssl script and we should continue to do that for most other scripts too.

Installations are working now as of build APR2024A