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Missing rsync package on RackNerd servers results in 403 errors #77

Closed LCBO closed 3 years ago

LCBO commented 4 years ago

Hello, I tried already 3 times to install it on Ubuntu 20.04 and I still get the 403 Error. In cloudflare the SSL is set on FULL. I rebooted the server and nothing.

distich commented 4 years ago

Dealing with the same. Any ideas?

LCBO commented 4 years ago

In such case, it is because of some recent changes in the stack. I am trying to reinstall. The fourth time.

LCBO commented 4 years ago

This was modified 8 days ago:

jessuppi commented 4 years ago

Hello folks please try running sudo bash /var/www/ss-perms and it should fix it, we have a bug in the new script for installing WordPress Core ss-install-wordpress-core which we are fixing now.

jessuppi commented 4 years ago

What is the output when you run sudo nginx -t to test current Nginx configuration? Also recent lines from nginx.log and/or error.log under the /var/www/logs directory could be useful --

LCBO commented 4 years ago

I will install once again and revert back.

LCBO commented 4 years ago

root@racknerd-023acf:/tmp# sudo nginx -t nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful

the error/nginx log are empty

jessuppi commented 4 years ago

What cloud networks are you guys installing on? What results do you see with sudo bash /var/www/ss-restart

LCBO commented 4 years ago

here they are:Restarting clamav-freshclam (via systemctl): clamav-freshclam.service. Restarting redis-server (via systemctl): redis-server.service. Restarting php7.4-fpm (via systemctl): php7.4-fpm.service. Restarting nginx (via systemctl): nginx.service. Restarting mysql (via systemctl): mysql.service. Reloading ufw configuration (via systemctl): ufw.service. Restarting ufw (via systemctl): ufw.service.

the vps is from

i will install on vultr (as i used it in the past)

LCBO commented 4 years ago

YES, on vultr it works !!! Why it doest work on that server. It is a KVM one ? How should I make it work

distich commented 4 years ago

Mine is on RackNerd as well, same issue. That's odd.

jessuppi commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure it is possible something in their Ubuntu packages is conflicting. Customers from Dedimax also:


We have not had time to test RackNerd or Dedimax but try to pay close attention to your shell screen during ss-install and see if you notice any weird messages or errors, esp. red-colored messages.

LCBO commented 4 years ago

I solved it I thing. Install rsync

You should check at the beginning of the SS install if rsync is installed or not.

jessuppi commented 4 years ago

Okay we will need to add a snippet to install rsync perhaps in the ss-install if package not exists.

jessuppi commented 4 years ago

Okay I've added apt install rsync to the ss-install-misc script for now. This is very strange because I had though all Ubuntu ISOs included it by default already so I'm not sure why some cloud networks have it removed?


jessuppi commented 3 years ago

Closing this out, but if anyone finds other missing "utility" apps on their cloud network please comment below or create a new Issue that mentions your web hosting and which apps need to be added to our installer, thanks!