littlebizzy / slickstack

Lightning-fast WordPress on Nginx
GNU General Public License v3.0
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ss-install #84

Closed Bronislawsky closed 3 years ago

Bronislawsky commented 3 years ago
on fresh system php is not install.. this fails

SS_PHP_VERSION=`php -v | grep ^PHP | cut -d' ' -f2`
SS_PHP_EXTENSIONS=`php -r "print_r(implode(', ', get_loaded_extensions()));"`
jessuppi commented 3 years ago

What cloud network is this on? I just did a test setup on Vultr cloud and this did not happen, thanks --

Bronislawsky commented 3 years ago


## ensure ss-config build matches ss-install build (if exists) ##
if [[ -f "/var/www/ss-config" ]] && [[ "$SS_BUILD" != "DEC2020T" ]]; then 
    echo -e ""
    echo -e "${YELLOW}It appears your ss-config file is outdated. Please run ss-update to get ${NOCOLOR}"
    echo -e "${YELLOW}the latest SlickStack build, and then run ss-install again.${NOCOLOR}"
    echo -e ""
    exit 1

you check the version and ss-config is not yet sourced, thus if fails
jessuppi commented 3 years ago

I'm closing this as the information provided was very limited and we never heard any similar feedback from other users so I'm guessing maybe it was a temporary issue while we were editing scripts or something.