littlebizzy / slickstack

Lightning-fast WordPress on Nginx
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Adminer not installed or missing from multiple SlickStack servers #91

Closed wponramp closed 3 years ago

wponramp commented 3 years ago

Recently installed SS on a new Digital Ocean server. Adminer does not work.

jessuppi commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your feedback @wponramp

However, without more information this is not helpful. What exactly is not working? GitHub Issues are really for bug reports and feature requests, not general user help. If you have an error or anything more specific it would be great.

wponramp commented 3 years ago

When I try to load Adminer in my browser, a message appears saying, "An error occurred trying to load the resource." This same error has shown on the last two servers installed on Digital Ocean servers.

jessuppi commented 3 years ago

I believe maybe this was occurring due to failed wget processes or incorrect/missing file during our GitHub updates... I'm not really sure but I haven't seen this happen or heard anyone report this again since this Issue.

Anyway feel free to comment again if you see this happen again, thanks!

jessuppi commented 3 years ago

Update: I've added some file validation checks to ss-install-adminer for better stability: