littleflute / english
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Chapter 1 #12

Closed littleflute closed 6 years ago

littleflute commented 6 years ago

challenge dependent fertile peculiar preference principal solitary suitable surplus transform

littleflute commented 6 years ago

Ten Words in Context In the space provided, write the letter of the meaning closest to that of each boldfaced word. Use the context of the sentences to help you figure out each word's meaning.

1 challenge

___ Challenge means
A. reason.
B. something boring.
C. something requiring effort.

2 dependent

____ Dependent means A. relying. B. large. C. able to produce.

3 fertile

____ Fertitle means A. common. B. large. C. able to produce.

4 peculiar

____ Peculiar means A. attractive. B. unusual. C. innocent.

5 preference

—— Preference means A. choice. B. skill. C. effect.